Year 12 – People in Business Unit 2 Training
The Task Design and write a booklet entitled “Training and development” for Waitrose. This should describe the training and development opportunities available to members of staff.
Presentation Aims Students should: List the main types of training at Waitrose Describe the main types of training at Waitrose Analyse the impact of training on staff at waitrose
Marking Criteria Training falls under A01 criteria and is marked out of 24 Mark Band one: (1-6 marks)- A basic description of Training and development opportunities Mark Band Two: (7-12 marks)- A description of Training and Development Opportunities Mark Band Three: A detailed Description of Training and Development opportunities (13-18 marks) Mark Band Four- A detailed and comprehensive description of Training and development opportunities ( marks) TO ACHIEVE MARK BAND 4, REMEMBER TO USE PEE TECHNIQUE - POINT-EXPLAIN-EFFECT
Introduction: Aims of Waitrose Training Read the page at rk/training-and-development.htmlhttp:// rk/training-and-development.html Discuss as a class, what are the 2 main aims of training at Waitrose
Introduction: Aims of Waitrose Training Task: Write an introductory paragraph which explains why training is important to Waitrose Use the link on the previous page and your own knowledge to explain why Waitrose carry out training Make a Point ( Aim of Training) Explain it ( What does it mean) Apply it to Waitrose ( Give examples from Waitrose) Explain the effects on Waitrose ( What will happen as a result?)
Induction at Waitrose Consider All Possibilities How many possible inclusions on an induction programme can you list Success Criteria 1. You need training 3. You can stay on the job 5. You should be delivering the training Now read the story of Becky’s induction at Waitrose 10/ waitrose- induction.html How many did you get? Explain in your own words what is meant by induction training
Induction at Waitrose – Exemplar Answer Answer these questions as a class, building up one perfect answer on the board. List one of the contents of an induction programme at Waitrose Explain what that point means and use an example from Waitrose to illustrate it. What are the effects of that point? Now explain the induction programme for Waitrose staff, using the template above for each different point.
WaitroseTraining Explain using the following link what is meant by a Personal Development Plan at Waitrose jobs/waitrose/training-and- development/
Online Training at Waitrose All Waitrose staff develop their personal plan using Waitrose’s Partner Development Portal. This is their own intranet with a variety of different training programmes on it. Write down any word or phrase you associate with an advantage of training on line on a Post it note Stick it on the board and if you see a similar word stick it on top. What were the classes most popular answers? Did they include: Convenient Quick Easy Fun Cost effective Flexible Greater access Relevant Easy to use Self directed Own pace
Online Training at Waitrose learning-development-47-staff Answer these questions as a class, building up one perfect answer on the board. List one advantage of online training at Waitrose Explain what that advantage means and use an example from Waitrose to illustrate it. What are the effects of that advantage? Now explain the advantages of online training for Waitrose staff, using the template above for each different point.
On/Off The Job Training – True /False StatementTrue/False Off the job training at Waitrose takes place at the Harrogate store Off the job training is more expensive than on the job training On the job training is more practical and realistic than off the job It is easier to concentrate in on the job rather than off the job training Off the job trains more staff at one time than on the job Learning by doing is a better way to train
On the Job training at Waitrose All training at Waitrose is done on the job. Explain what this means and use examples from your 3 visiting staff to explain this. Answer these questions as a class, building up one perfect answer on the board. List one advantage of on the job training at Waitrose Explain what that advantage means and use an example from Waitrose to illustrate it. What are the effects of that advantage? Now explain the advantages of online training for Waitrose staff, using the template above for each different point.
Off the Job training at Waitrose All training at Waitrose is done on the job. Why don’t they use off the job training? e.g. Dealing With Aggressive Customers Launching Measure the Magic Coffee Training Answer these questions as a class, building up one perfect answer on the board. List one disadvantage of off the job training at Waitrose Explain what that disadvantage means and use an example from Waitrose to illustrate it. What are the effects of that disadvantage? Now explain the disadvantages of online training for Waitrose staff, using the template above for each different point.