December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event1 An Update on the Status of the National Knowledge Network Neeraj Sinha and P.S. Dhekne Office.


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Presentation transcript:

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event1 An Update on the Status of the National Knowledge Network Neeraj Sinha and P.S. Dhekne Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India (PSA’s Office) New Delhi India

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event2 The National Knowledge Network (NKN) is a Government of India approved project to be implemented by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) for creating a national e-infrastructure with speeds scalable eventually up to the order of 10s of gigabits per second (gbps), coupled with extremely low latencies to cover the entire country. The NKN aims to bring together all the stakeholders in Higher Education, Science, Technology, GRID Computing and e-Governance over a period of two-three years; it is a 10 year duration project. The initial phase of the NKN, with about 60 institutes connected, was inaugurated by the President of India on the 9 th of April, The National Knowledge Network

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event3 Experience life with bps 9 th April 2009

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event4 Currently Connected Sites Under Initial Phase of NKN IMTECH IIT-ropar, PU IIT-D, IIT-R, JNU,DU,AMU, CSIR, IGIB-N, IGIB-O, NDRI, RML, NSIT, IIITD Jammu University Raj Univ IIT-Gnr, AAU, SAC BARC, TIFR,CDAC,IIT-B, Anushakti Ngr NCRA,IITM,CDAC-P, IUCAA, Uni pune, IISC, RRI,CDAC-KP, CDAC-Elec, IIAP, TIFR-bangalore AAU, IIT-G, ICAR-S, univ-G, SAHA, VECC, IIT-P, IIT-KGP ICAR-P, CDRI, BA-univ, IIT-K, CSAU JNKVV, RRCAT IOP, IIT-BHU IIT-H, CADC-H, AMD, DNA, AGRANGA Univ, IIT-M, CDAC-M, IGCAR, Anna Univ, IIMSc, SNEYE VSSC, CDAC-T, RCC DAE Universit y ICAR CDAC IIT. IISC HealthCSIR connected -88 no's

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event5 Status of the NKN: initial phase Design of the NKN is complete (including the final phase). Agreement – with 3 National Long Distance Providers (NLDs) to provide domestic fiber links – is in place. The Backbone of the initial Phase is ready and operational. 15 Core links of 2.5 gbps created by the NLDs. Equipment at the NIC Points of Presence (PoPs) upgraded to cater to multiples of 2.5 Gbps. NKN supports 1 Gbps or 100 Mbps connection directly to the recipient institute, which is ready to use it.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event6 Implementation of the Initial Phase of the NKN Leading 60 institutions/organizations are operational through the NKN (33 more are being connected). Creation of 48 virtual Class Rooms at various mentoring and mentored Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) – 16 already in place. Real-time class-room setup in all the IITs.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event7 International Connectivity MOU signed with the European Commission:TEIN3 PoP established in Mumbai with 2.5 Gbps connectivity towards GEANT PoP in Europe and towards East Asia PoP in Singapore – EC-India shared funding. MOU signed with NIC-Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) - Gloriad: Gloriad-Taj Expansion Project. To connect to Open Science Grid (OSG) of the USA with 1 Gbps/10 Gbps – National Science Foundation (NSF) funded. Proposal from Japan for PoP in Chennai 10 Gbps connectivity for the IIT Hyderabad.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event8 Typical applications on the NKN NKN applications ready for migration Grid Computing using the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Grid. Reactor components from the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research ( IGCAR)-NIC- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) on Collab-CAD. Weather Modeling [ Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) – Indian Institute of Science] on the Garuda Grid of the C-DAC. High Energy Physics- Large Hadron Colhider (LHC) on Regional World LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). Weather, Astrophysics & Synchrotron : EU-IndiaGrid2. New applications for the NKN Eye Care Shankar Netralaya, Chennai. Climate Change Modeling for the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. Grid for Cancer care.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event9 NKN update Full financial sanction for the NKN received in March, Initial phase, with 15 cores having multiple 2.5 gbps (26 fiber links) connecting over 60 institutes with 1 gbps, has been completed in Virtual class rooms, Garuda & DAE Grid operation and Collab-CAD are running on the NKN. Open Drug Discovery project of the Central of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) running over the NKN. Expected to connect 550 institutes by March, 2011, with the remaining 1000 institutes being connected by March, 2012.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event10 To create CORE for NKN Final Phase at the earliest. Expected to be UP by September 2010 at a minimum of 2.5G. This provides the required redundancy and availability of NKN CORE. Gateways at Mumbai & Chennai apart from Delhi Hyderabad

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event11 Teacher 55“ LED Projection Screen Elevation Front 55“ LED High Definition (HD) Camera HD Camera 55“ LED Elevation Back 55“ LED LAYOUT OF VIRTUAL CLASSROOM

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event12 Migrating existing Grids to the NKN Garuda Grid [C-DAC / Department of Information Technology (DIT)]. 45 institutes in 17 cities; major 13 sites operational using the NKN. DAE Grid (private Grid) BARC-IGCAR-Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology –Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre. Operational over the NKN backbone. LHC regional Grid [DAE, Department of Science and Technology (DST)]. 2 X Tier II Compact Muon Solenoid - CMS(TIFR) & ALICE (VECC) and 14 Universities migration has been completed by end March, EU-IndiaGrid2 (European Grid). 11 Indian partners and 5 European; Kick-off started on Jan 14, International connectivity.  GEANT (175 Mbps, EC+DIT) – TEIN3.  TIFR-CERN Link ( 1Gbps, DAE/DST).

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event13 April 22, 2009Developing e-inftrastructures in India13 TIFR : CMS Tier II Regional WLCG Tier II Grid in India 4 Mbps Links VECC/SINP: ALICE Tier II 0.6/1 Gbps link to CERN/GEANT 100 Mbps Link Tier III 10 Mbps IPLC (International Private Leased Cable) LC (Leased Cable) Original Network started operating since 2007 and upgraded on regular basis 175 Mbps Link to GEANT

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event14 EU-India meet in New Delhi : Jan , 2010 DST/DIT joint workshop with EC delegates on cooperation for Research-Infrastructures. Participants from the DST, the DIT, the DAE and the CSIR. Collaboration in European Grid Initiative (EGI) and European Commission framework programme. EU-IndiaGrid2 Kick-off meeting in the IIT Delhi during Jan 14-15, 2010.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event15 It is specially dedicated to crystallography of biological macromolecules. This beam-line will be used either for normal diffraction or for multi-wavelength diffraction, using anomalous dispersion. Its optics delivers a focused beam on a fixed sample position, with a relatively high energy resolution of about 1e -3 to 1e -4 and a large accessible energy range (7-18 keV). The beam height and focusing distance are fixed. FIP Experimental Set-up (French beamline for Investigation of Proteins) IBS/CEA, Grenoble, France Robot for automatic sample change under cryo-conditions Plate size 225mm * 225mm Pixel size 75 – 150 microns Many such frames constitute one data set for a crystal. Typically 360 frames. Size of one frame file = 18MB Four wave length data sets. Total size 1440 * 18 MB per protein crystal

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event16 Collaboratory?

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event17

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event18 Typical Proposals: Model Projects Education Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham - Buffalo University Link. IIT Hyderbad – Keio University. Science & Technology Remote operation of Synchrotron at Grenoble, France. Climate Change Modeling with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste. Astronomy Community on Gamma Ray Telescopes. Data Centres Connecting Eka supercomputer on the NKN.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event19 Participation in Model Projects Participation in model projects for key applications and to take active part in feasibility, capability and sustainability testing and ensuring effective use of the high bandwidth of the NKN. Approach for using the NKN: - Proposal in specific format to the PSA’s office. - Make plan to implement closed user group on the NKN. - Demonstration of the potential/benefits of the NKN. - Connecting additional sites to the NKN.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event20 Working as a Closed User Group (CUG) of connected Institutions University of Hyderabad INTERNET IIT Hyderabad LVP,Hyd NKN Connectivity for each Model project IIIT, Hyd NKN POP NKN Japanese Collaboration to be set up in the IIT Hyderabad Virtual Community NKN SV Univ, Tirupati Japan REN IIT Madras Possible NKN-JPREN International link 10 gbps

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event21 CHAIN Project with Europe The EU-IndiaGrid project fully achieved its objectives and technical goals and even exceeded the expectations. As a result of the excellent achievements, a 2-year second phase of the EU-IndiaGrid2 project (Sustainable e- Infrastructures across Europe and India) – funded by the EC – was approved, with the start date as 1/1/2010. The Co-ordination and Harmonization of Advanced e- INfrastructures (CHAIN) project is expected to reinforce coherent synergy between India & Europe and would help in consolidating India’s multi-gigabit, low latency, e- infrastructure: the NKN.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event22 Summary The NKN allows the user community to interact in real- time to steer through distributed environments. The NKN can successfully negotiate secure access to distributed, yet highly expensive instruments and distributed data across the world. The NKN presents a single & unified resource for solving large-scale computing & data-intensive applications. Providing affordable (free) access – to national as well as international resources – to the Universities, Schools and Colleges will bring-in value for collaborative work.

December 13-14, 2010 CHAIN Kick-off Meeting and Launch Event23 Thank you for your patience