Ingest – Workflow Irena Vipavc Brvar ADP SEEDS Workshop I Belgrade, October
2 SEEDS Workshop I SIP 1 Prepare all required materials and document 2 Use safe transfer options 3 Study custodian check and validate materials 4 Data get ID numbers, are saved and registered in the system
3 SEEDS Workshop I Ingest It includes the set of processes responsible for accepting the information submitted by data producers and preparing it for the archival storage. Validation that information received is uncorrupted and complete; Transformation of the submitted information into a form suitable for storage; Creation of descriptive metadata. Possible tools? SERSCIDA, D5.1
4 SEEDS Workshop I Ingest Review of completeness of the study data, metadata, and documentation. Check of the scope of documentation is sufficient. Comparison of dataset and documentation Check for anonymization strategies Prepare materials for AIP and DIP SERSCIDA, D5.1
METADATA Metadata – data about data Describe survey using standard International standards/schemes Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) ISO19115 Dublin Core Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Preservation Metadata Maintenance Activity (PREMIS)
Nesstar Publisher
7 SEEDS Workshop I SERSCIDA, D5.1 Ingest Workflow
8 SEEDS Workshop I SERSCIDA, D5.1
ADP workflow W or kfl o w
10 SEEDS Workshop I People + Define profile of ppl that will work in DA Educate ppl (CESSDA Expert seminars, CESSDA Training, DDI training) Their primary education important – define what they will do Collaboration with other department in institution Hardware / Software
Software in use ownCloudJiraMS AccessNesstar PublisherNesstar Server Deposition data and other materials to the Archives Project tracking Tool (Data management tool) Study databaseProperly documented study to be deposited to the Archives Publishing studies on webserver, downloading data, online analysis SPSSOxygenBlaiseTortoise SVNAnalytics Analytics softwareXML editorSurvey Processing System Revision control, version control, source control Nesstar logs, Google Analytics + Small in-house programmes (for ACU, export of xml, SPSS syntax, xml for web, Nesstar, keywords
Promotion of the new published study -ADP website, news ( -Faculty of Social Sciences, ADP‘s sub-webpage ( -Faculty of Social Sciences website: news (1 per month) ( -ADP eNovice ( -FDV napovednik (internal mailing list at the Faculty) -ADP Facebook page ( -ADP Twitter (
13 SEEDS Workshop I Possible distribution of DIP When depositor agree with prepared text, we publish study Web site (metadata, basic statistics) Nesstar (metadata, basic and advance statistics, on-line analysis, download datafile) Added to COBISS – national bibliography system – researchers scientific bibliography