How to Create an Essential Metadata Record Using an Online Tool aka ‘ Now You Have No Excuse For Not Creating Metadata!’
Becky McKinley, GISP Hammond Sanitary District, NW Indiana GIS Forum Cele Morris I.U. Northwest Data Center
Northwest Indiana GIS Forum Meeting Since 1997 Regional Attendance Goals 1. GIS Training & Technology Transfer 2. Catalog Regional Spatial Data 3. Networking through regular meetings
Indiana and Metadata Indiana Geographic Information Council Standards & Recommendations Committee FGDC Metadata Standard Indiana Metadata Profile
Project background Northwest Indiana GIS Forum Indiana Geological Survey US-EPA Region 5 Electronic Format for Indiana Metadata Profile
Indiana Metadata Profile Document for each dataset: Background/basic information Dataset Specifics Distribution information Spatial reference Metadata information
Background/basic information Title Who created it? What kind of data is it (map, table, image etc.)? When was it created? Where was it published? Why was it created? NOTE: use the Abstract paragraph to summarize the dataset and include anything you feel important but not covered by the other metadata fields.
Dataset Specifics What time period does it cover? How often is it updated? What is its spatial extent (bounding coordinates?)? What themewords would be used to describe it?
Distribution information Who distributes it? Is it offline only, downloadable etc? Are there access constraints (data dissemination policy etc.?)? Who do I contact to get it? What formats are available? Is there a fee?
Spatial reference Source scale Vertical/Horizontal positional accuracy Vertical/Horizontal datum Map projection
Metadata information Who created it? When?
Web Access To The On-line Metadata Compilation Tool:
Online Metadata Tool Homepage
Looking for Info on Metadata?
Lots of Helpful Resources Available Here
Print Out Instructions Prior to First Use
Go to the Tool
Good Things Come to Those that Wait
Follow Along with the Instructions as you Complete the Form!
Entering Data Elements
Spatial Extent Tool
Choose the Extent by County….
Generates Decimal Degree Coordinates and Place Keywords Automatically!!
Choose a Theme or Themes
Choose Additional Keywords to Describe Your Data
Add Place and Theme Keywords Together
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Thanks to the Indiana Geological Survey