DSS Stats at a Glance DSS Stats at a Glance Decision Support System Decision Support System DATA REPORTING SYSTEMS
What is DSS Stats at a Glance? A set of predefined graphs and charts displaying key performance indicators (KPIs) Users can view KPIs as graphs and/or data tables Can be accessed from home.
Who Can Use DSS Stats at a Glance? DSS Stats at a Glance is available to all District employees
How To Access DSS Stats at a Glance Sign-in to Inside LAUSD using your SSO username and password. From the Resources & Applications section, click on the DSS Stats at a Glance link.
DSS Stats at a Glance homepage
What is DSS? Secure, web-based reporting system Provides interactive student outcomes and achievement reports Supports the District’s primary mission of increasing student achievement
This is the Location Enrollment Report, one of many aggregate (summarized) reports in DSS
This is the same Location Enrollment Report, disaggregated by # of students by Language Classification
Still the same Location Enrollment Report, now disaggregated by % Language Classification
How does it work? Reports can be customized by the user to answer a particular question. Example of questions: How has student performance on the California Standards Test changed over time? What classes are students failing? Decision-makers can evaluate trends, issues or patterns
What makes DSS different from other systems? Operational systems Reporting systems SIS, BTS, SOAR Can enter data and generate reports Data vary from day to day or periodically DSS, DSS Stats at a Glance Can generate reports only, no data entry Data come from the operational systems and are more historical in nature
How does DSS Stats at a Glance differ from DSS? DSS Allows users to customize reports to answer a specific data question Users can disaggregate data by language classification, SES, etc. Currently can only be viewed from the intranet DSS Stats at a Glance Offers a quick look at different Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to student and overall school performance Limited capability of disaggregating data Can be viewed from internet
Data Warehouse What’s in LAUSD’s DSS? Elem SIS Sec SIS CST/ CAT-6 Sec Courses TAS Special Ed Student Assessment Graduation & Promotion Academic Support Enrollment & Attendance Teacher Information Student Reports School Reports
Roles General – provides access to all aggregate/summarized data. No access rights to detailed student and teacher data. School – general access rights, plus access to detailed student and teacher data for assigned school. Local District – general access rights, plus access to detailed student and teacher data for schools within that local district. District-wide – general access rights, plus access to detailed student and teacher data for all schools within the District.
Who can use DSS? LAUSD principals, assistant principals, coordinators and coaches Central office administrators Administrators in the eight local districts Members of the Board of Education
Security DSS will only be accessible on the intranet by logging in to Inside LAUSD. Based on security level, authorized users will be able to drill to student level detail information.
The Data Inquiry Process A 5-step process for using data to examine teaching and learning. Starts with a question and ends with a plan of action. Throughout the training, we will be modeling this process.
Steps in the Data Inquiry Process 1. Begin with a question. 2. Examine the data. 3. Raise questions about the data. 4. Interpret the data. 5. Propose interventions/next steps
Steps in the Data Inquiry Process STEP 1: Begin with a question How did our students do on the California Standards Tests? How many students are proficient and advanced in English Language Arts?
CA Standards Tests The California Standards Tests (CST) are part of California's STAR Testing program. The CST's are criterion-referenced tests and are aligned to state- adopted content standards in reading, writing, mathematics, history-social science, and science.
CA Standards Tests, cont. There are five possible performance levels a student can score: Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced
CA Standards Tests, cont. Goal of state of California is to have all students performing at Proficient and Advanced levels API will have less emphasis on norm-referenced tests (SAT-9, CAT-6) and greater emphasis on Standards Tests
Steps in the Data Inquiry Process STEP 2. Examine the data
CST Results, Elem Schools within LAUSD
CST Results, Secondary Schools within LAUSD
Steps in the Data Inquiry Process STEP 3: Raise questions about the data What does the data tell you? What does the data not tell you? What other data do you need to look at?
Steps in the Data Inquiry Process STEP 4: Interpret the data Why do you think the data look the way they do? What are your hypotheses?
Steps in the Data Inquiry Process STEP 5: Propose interventions/next steps Use the data and your interpretation to propose possible interventions change in instructional strategy professional development