IONAS Kick off meeting 2-3 July, Ancona Willy Sigl
INTERACT Programme INTERACT Programme Secretariat Vienna IP Qualification & Tranfer Viborg IP IIIC Coordination Rostock IP Tool Box Valencia IP Managing Transition Vienna IP Info & Animation Östersund
City of Vienna Lead Partner Regional Council of Southwest Finland Partner INTERACT MT – The Partners MT Vienna MT Turku
Where do we offer the services The regions of the 10 New Member States The regions of 5 „EU 15“ in Finland, Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece with borders to new Member States EU external border regions of TACIS, PHARE and CARDS countries within the New Neighbourhood Programmes
How do we offer the services The cooperation structure of MT with a focus on offering the services in cooperation with NCPs
Which services do we offer Individual Advisory Services Management Tools Training Opportunities Information Services INTERACT MT Services individual support by INTERREG experts best practice examples, check lists, templates workshops, seminars, staff training INTERACT MT news, website, info-days, conferences
To whom do we offer the services Policy level Programme level Project level NCPs National / regional INTERREG coordinators Managing Authorities (MA) Joint Technical Secretariats (JTS) Paying Authorities (PA) Intermediaries National Counterparts Auditors – 1st, 2nd level control Project Owners Project Promoters
INTERREG Programmes covered by MT 31 IIIA Programmes COM 437:13 Programmes nMS:08 Programmes nNP: 10 Programmes
INTERREG Programmes covered by MT 3 IIIC Programmes IIIC North IIIC East IIIC South
Work principles of INTERACT MT Focus on the policy and programme level in 2004 Focus on Strand A in 2004 Emphasise the needs of New Neighbourhood Programmes / projects involving TACIS, PHARE, CARDS countries Coordinate activities with NCPs, other IPs and IA projects Deliver services in cooperation with NCPs, IPs and IA project Activities
Recent activities of INTERACT MT Advisory Board meeting on 11 March 2004 NCP meeting on 12 March 2004 Individual meetings with all NCPs and their national INTERREG coordinators and programme institutions INTERREG expert pool established Service calendar set up First workshops in Poland and Latvia delivered INTERACT MT Activities
Planned activities of INTERACT MT August: Individual advisory services in different countries September: Individual advisory services in different countries Workshop Baltic Countries, Vilnius, 9-10 September IIIA COM 437 event, Dresden, September October: Individual advisory services in different countries New Neighbourhood Programme event Advisory Board meeting NCP network meeting Activities
MT priorities for EU external border programmes Support in applying the Implementing guidelines Provision of the Financial Regulation for TACIS and CARDS funds for the purpose of cross border co-operations Capacity Building: setting up common structures Involvement in forging the EU New Neighbourhood Strategy and designing the New Neighbourhood Instrument INTERACT MT
The INTERACT MT TEAM Willy Sigl Head of Office Vesna Caminades Project Manager Riitta Ahdan Project Manager Petra Dolenga Project Officer Carole Souville Project Manager Office in Vienna: Schlesingerplatz 2 A-1080 Vienna f: e: Office in Turku: Box 273, Ratapihankatu 36 FIN Turku f: e:
Thank you for your attention We are looking forward to cooperating with you!