Creating User Interfaces [Catch-up presentation] Reflection. Butterfly ballot exercise. Metrocards. Homework: Start thinking about embedded applications.
Reflection on ALL the studies Two dimensions Topics – In class (colleges), your own topic (compare Web sites), your choice of sites or apps for user study. Embedded applications Subjects – You, your team – Friends and family Note: this is a phrase used in various marketing campaigns – Strangers
Reflections Role(s) of environment, infrastructure, network effects Variety of users, demographics and new versus repeat user Demand on users Accessibility
Challenges Forming your own opinions and assessments while Being open to information from your users. Using your own knowledge to design study. Communicating your findings to others – Teacher, classmates – Future: colleagues at work, management, people charged with improving products, designing new products…
Note Large organizations: specific groups do “Quality Assurance”, feasibility testing, customer outreach. – Sometimes customer outreach is a ploy…. – You may choose not to do this. Small organizations: everyone does everything. Everything less formal.
Aside A news article about a voter in one of the Super Tuesday states said he learned about Sanders on Reddit!
Florida Butterfly ballot in 2000 Was one of several things that would have changed the election. Many people made a mistake in voting. Note: a confirmation screen that we come to expect in making purchases would have/could have made a difference.
What do you think?
Challenge Design a better ballot! Note: the requirement to be bilingual meant it could not be [much] bigger.
NYC Metrocards Suggestion to change from swiping cards to … use contactless chip already in many phones. What are – Positive and negative features of current system Note: a positive feature is sunk costs of turnstiles – Positive and negative features of contactless chip in phones (or phone-like) devices Government agency with mission to improve usability of …
Too late but… There was competition to produce new form for USDA National School Meals program – Video clip not that long, but… Seems to imply Web browser input, not necessarily mobile device? Not sure about language support Prototype form: P a4.pdf P a4.pdf Prototype form:
Classwork/Homework Look over, including USDA application program Any ideas? Start planning embedded study. More next class.