Impact of the Assistive Technology Act Kayla Davis EDU 620 Dr. Hom April 6, 2014
Assistive Technology Act of 1998 Replaced the “The Tech Act of 1988” Assistive technology-”Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities”(Dove, 2012).
Advancements in Assistive Technology Computer-assistive technology Modern “Screen” Readers Can convert what is scanned onto the computer’s monitor to speech or Braille Apple Screen magnification, voiceover, screen-access technology for blind and visually impaired Alternative, simplified user interface on Mac for cognitive and learning disabilities
Advancements in Assistive Technology Augmentative or alternative communication “various forms of communication that are used as a supplement to oral language, including voice-output communication devices and computers with synthetic speech” (Dove, 2012) Students not able to speak or have limited speech
Advancements in Assistive Technology Telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) “electronic method for text communication over a telephone line that is primarily designed for use by persons with hearing or speech difficulties” (Dove, 2012) Teletypewriter and TTY (terms used in the United States) Textphone, minicom
Advancements in Assistive Technology Access and environmental controls “allow the disabled to have increased control of things in their environment” (Dove, 2012) remote controls, touchpads, switches, eye trackers, Braille signs, visual fire and smoke alarm signals, visible signaling appliances, handrails, mobility ramps Daily living AT devices Specially designed bathtubs, shower stalls, and toilet seats, well adapted cooking devices, eating utensils, grooming aids
Advancements in Assistive Technology Assistive Technology for Cognition “used to augment and assist cognitive processes such as attention, memory, self-regulation, navigation, emotion recognition and management, planning, and sequencing” (Dove, 2012) General User Interface for Disorders of Execution (GUIDE)- ”an interactive, verbal-prompting system that talks to individuals with cognitive disabilities through routine tasks Visual schedules or calendars, face and voice emotional- recognition software
Advancements in Assistive Technology Mobility-Assistive Technology Wheelchairs and scooters Leveraged Freedom Chair At the time of publication, were still being designed Are now available Can be used on rough, unpaved roads with the use of hand levers that allows the occupant to adjust speeds
Role of Educator “Educators are expected to consider Assistive Technology devices and services that will assist students in their learning and socioemontial development” It is our duty as educators to ensure that all student development functionally
Toolkits Toolkits (Edyburn 2000) “learner productivity toolkit that focuses on the identification and preparation of a set of products that learners typically use in their daily learning activities” (Lee & Templeton, 2008) Reading, writing, and math AT items Can be created for each students own individual needs with Assistive Technology
Important factors in the Advancement of Assistive Technology Interpretation of Federal Laws Educators as well as professionals and parents need to know understand the laws put in place for Assistive Technology This requires dedication and time set aside to read and learn about all of the aspects of the laws Furthermore, parents should be given this information once it is time for their children to enter school
Important factors in the Advancement of Assistive Technology Funding There should never be reason as to why Assistive Technology services does not receive enough funding It is important because there are many, many children across the country who are affected by some kind of disability It is also apart of the laws for Assistive Technology that funding is required If and when educators run into a road block for funding, the must find alternatives to ensure that they are help these children develop properly
Important factors in the Advancement of Assistive Technology Collaboration with families and professionals It is important that parents be involved in the development of the children disabilities Teachers must always keep the parent up to date on the stage of the child as well as the parent must keep the teacher up to date as well Teachers should also be in contact with the professionals that worked with the child before they entered school
Position on fostering Assistive Technology Education Always be up to date on current research for Assistive Technology As well, to be up to date on the learning disabilities that are effecting my students Make sure to have access to all AT devices needed for my students Collaborate with other special educators to develop more ways to help students develop
Position on fostering Assistive Technology Employment Find programs that aid individuals with special disabilities with employment Research these programs to make sure that they are beneficial for the students development Teach students the skills to enter the workforce
Position on fostering Assistive Technology Daily activities Make sure that help students become well versed in math, writing, reading all things they need for daily living This may be easier said then done however I do believe it can be accomplished Can collaborate with parents on this because they know their child’s daily routine and activities.
Position on fostering Assistive Technology Community involvement Help students to get involved in programs offered in their communities for students with special disabilities Gives students an opportunity to interact with other students with special disabilities from their community Also get students to volunteer in their community Hospital, recreation centers
Impact of Assistive Technology on My Teaching Make me aware of the laws for AT Make sure that I am always up to date on the laws and any changes made Make sure that I am applying the laws correctly when using AT devices Make sure that I am applying the laws correctly when teaching the students with the special disabilities
Impact of Assistive Technology on My Teaching AT Devices Make sure that I have all the current AT devices Make sure all devices are in working order and properly maintenance Make sure the school has the proper funding to have AT devices available to students
Impact of Assistive Technology on My Teaching Funding Being a special educator, it is my responsibility that there is funding for all material and AT devices needed for students Requires for me to work with other special educators to obtain the proper funding Also to do research to find out what money is out there because the devices can be very expensive
Impact of Assistive Technology on My Teaching Working with Parents It is important that the parents and teacher on the same page when it comes to the welfare of the student The parent can offer the teach insight on what the best methods are for handling the student The teacher can help the parent with practices to use at home to help the student develop academcially.
References Dove, M. K. (2012). Advancements in Assistive Technology and AT Laws for the Disabled. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 78(4), Lee, H., & Templeton, R. (2008). Ensuring Equal Access to Technology: Providing Assistive Technology for Students With Disabilities. Theory Into Practice, 47(3),