Mímir - símenntun Life long learning centre Academia – heimsókn 9. mars 2013
Overview Mímir – símenntun Career guidance at Mímir Validation projects
Mímir - símenntun Established in January Private company - corporation (with one shared capital) owned by the Icelandic Confederation of Labour. The main goal of the company is: –to offer courses for adults –develop educational courses –to encourage people in the labour market to practice continuous education and job development. Financing comes from course fees, service contracts, development projects and a government grant from 2007.
Unemployment rate development Data source: Directorate of Labour, 2013 Jan %
Diverse courses for adults i.e. General credit point courses –Icelandic, math, english, computer skills…. Work related credit point courses –Social and health care assistants, kindergarten assistants, tourist service transporting, working in stores, service, security, guards.... Courses for unemployed (CV, portfolio, building self-confidence etc.) Leisure and language courses (target group: general public)
Immigrants Icelandic for foreigners - 5 levels Work related Icelandic courses (mostly at workplaces) School of settlers. Icelandic society and culture, computer lessons, real-competence file. Courses for umemployed migrants. combining, icelandic, competence building (f.eks. computer skills) and job searching. Vocational training combined with language learning i.e. Health and social care assistants. Credit point course for polish immigrants in i.e. tourist service and food handling. Free preparatory course for students applying for Icelandic citizenship.
Career guidance and counseling Target group: People on the labour market (and unemployed) that have not finished upper secondary school i.e. have neither formal vocational training nor matriculation examination (drop outs), immigrants and other groups in similar situation. Main goal: To motivate and support the target group to actively participate in lifelong learning and competence development. Free and impartial service
Career guidance and counseling Individual and group guidance at the workplace in Mimir‘s location (people on the labour market and unemployed) supporting students at Mimir Validation projects Educating in courses i.e. study skills, career education, skils map, job development Development projects: School at the workplace with Vífilfell (2012-) eMPROS – Exploring migrants basic professional skills nonverbally (2012-)
Career guidance at the workplace The process Agreement between the company and counselor Service introduced to workers Formal and informal introduction Registration for individual interview Individual interview at the workplace or at Mimir
Introduction at workplace Validation project for shop assistants Guidance service
Individual guidance information about education and jobs information on possible study paths and funding assistance in exploring interests and abilities assistance in goal setting and developing a study plan assistance in managing barriers preventing studying i.e. dyslexia help to write CV and plan a job seeking
Age of individuals from
Career guidance Situation on the Labour Market
Career guidance Gender ratio
Validation of non-formal and informal learning Projects at Mímir – símenntun VOW (Value of work) was Leonardo project The validation - Standards were developed in banking, in cooperation with The Federation of Bank and Finance Emloyees. General standards (10) and substandards.
VOW – Mímir - símenntun The first group in Janary 2008 Cooperation with The Educational and Training service center, The Conferderation of Icelandic banks and finance employees and the Banks Six groups have finshed this project. Three groups bankers (service representatives) One group bank tellers Two groups – both
VOW The process of validation Recruitment and information Promotional meeting Scanning interview – career counselor Group - work – Portfolio work – Self – assessment based on standards and sub – standards
VOW The process of validation Supervisor assessment (dialogue) Case studies Summation – Interview with the Assessor – Interview with the Career counselor Counselor is within the whole project
What have the participants done after the validation process The group was starting after the economic crises – bankrupcy of banks – The participants in this group felt that they were very lucky to be able to participate in this process since “everything is falling apart in the banks”. They felt this was “a kick to start again”, talked about that they had dropped out of school – but wanted to start again.
Possibilities? Easier access to the preparatory departments of some universities Easier to get a shortening of a study path at upper secondary level Easier to get a raise in salaries Most of participants talk about this project as encouraging and constructive
Sara is a participant “It was really surprising when you had gathered together all the documents for the competence portfolio how many things you had accomplished” Project like this encourages you to continue learning and she registered for a diploma at the dept. for human resources at RU
The director of B.Sc. Program in Business at the Reykjavik University Participants in VOW: Make more informed decisions about learning Are clearer on their goals Have more courage to do things they have dreamed about The project is an encouragement to act positively for yourself Interpretation of competences that the formal system understands
Validation of non-formal and informal learning 2. Project for Kindergarten – assistants Cooperation between two LLL Centers and two Upper secondary Schools Can shorten a study path for Kindergarten- assistants, within the formal education
Validation of Kindergarten assistants The process – Information and feedback – Scanning – interview with counselor – Documentation portfolio, self-assessment – Analysis – Confirmation Interviews, assessor, counselor – Validation and acceptance of competence
Validation of Courses for shop assistants Office studies – Upper secondary school REWOW – Courses for Sound Crew Warehouse staff – devlopment project
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