Water Cycle and Weather By Paul Curcione
Water Cycle Evaporation Condensation Precipitation
Evaporation Water as a liquid becomes water as a _________
Condensation Water vapor becomes water __________
Precipitation What goes up as gas comes down as a ____
Runoff If water is not absorbed in the ground where does it go?
Clouds Stratus Cumulous Cirrus Nimbus (rain)
Stratus Do you see the layers? Are these clouds low or high in the atmosphere?
Cumulous What do these clouds remind you of?
Cotton balls
Cirrus What do these remind you of?
Nimbus When you think of nimbus you should think of _________
Fog Is fog a cloud?
Meteorologist Which one of you would like this job? Oh, they make mucho dollars! Just thought you might want to know that.
5 elements of Weather 1.Precipitation 2.Humidity 3.Air pressure 4.Temperature 5.__________
Climate What is the difference between climate and weather?
Instruments/Technology Thermometers Rain Gauge Wind Vane Anemometer Barometer
Thermometer What do I measure?
Rain Gauge What do I measure?
Wind Vane What do I do?
Anemometer What the heck am I for?
Barometer What do I measure? (Hint – think high or low)
Air Mass What makes an air mass an air mass?
Fronts Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Which one is your favorite?
Cold Front
Warm Front When a warm air mass passes by a cold air mass, the temperatures will ________ and you can expect to have light __________
Stationary Front Two powerful air masses come together but stay ________ This front brings a lot of _____________ over ________ days
High Pressure What does high pressure mean?
Low Pressure What does a low pressure area mean?
Atmosphere What layer of the atmosphere has weather?
Atmosphere p. 2 How high is the Hubble Telescope? How high up is the International Space Station? How high up are weather satellites?
Answer Hubble miles up there ISS – 250 miles up there Weather satellites - often in geosynchronous orbit at 23,000 miles high.
The End