Nursing education Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi BSc law, RN, RNT, BSN, MSN, CCRN, CRNA, PhD Head of Nursing & Midwifery Department Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences An-Najah National University
Nursing education Education is a criticalo component of the nursing profession Nurses need to understand the structure and process of the profession´s education, quality issues and current issues and trends هيكل وعملية التعليم من المهن، وقضايا الجودة والقضايا الراهنة والاتجاهات
Nursing education is demanding and complex As students enter nursing courses, it is helpful for them to consider their own learning styles Kolb described a continuum of four learning styles – Concrete experiences – Reflective observation – Abstract conceptualization – Active experimintation
Please read page 130 with students kolb 1984as cited in Rassool and R awaf 2007 Understanding one´s style can help a student when he- she approaches new content, reads assignment, and participates in other learning activities It can impact how easy or difficult the work may be for the student Students may need to stretch that is, try to learn or do something that is challenging for them and they may need to adapt their learning style
Doctor of nursing practice It is a practice- focused doctoral degree program The AACN has described the purpose of the DNP as follows read page
Focus on competency Competency is the application of knowledge and interpersonal, decision making and psychomotor skills expected for the nurse´s practice role within the context of public health, welfare, and safety Competencies should clearly state the parameters related to the behaviour or performance
The curriculum should support the development of competencies by providing necessary prerequisite knowledge and learning opportunities to meet the competency The ultimate goal is a competent RN
Curriculum A nursing program´s curriculum is the plan describes the program´s philosophy, level,terminal competencies for students( or what they are expected to accomplish by the end of the program)and course content (describe in course syllabi) Also specified the sequence of courses and designation of course credits and learning experience such as didactic ( typically offered in a lecture or seminar) and clinical or practicum experiences
Curriculum In addition simulation laboratory experiences are used either at the beggining of the curriculum or throughout the curriculum
transforming nursing education& Certifications- Read page 152 exhibit 4-5 Accreditation of nursing program: Accreditation is a process in which an organization is assessed regarding how it meets established standards Minimum standards are identified by an accediting organization and nursing schools incorporate these standards into their program
The accrediting organization then reviews the school and its programs To be effective, a schoolof nursing must be accredited Nursing programs should be accredited by the recognized organization that provide standards and accreditation for nursing programs
Nclex Is developed and administered through the national council of state boards of nursing The exam includes the following types of questions: Multiple response Fill-in-blanks Hot spot items Chart exhibit format Drag and drop item Read page 157