Sixth Form Higher Education Advice Evening
Higher Education Advice Evening TalkPresenterPlaceTime The UCAS process and how to choose a university & course Durham University – Jennifer Burton Theatre and Student financeNewcastle University – Rachel Pratt Sixth Form Café Extension and Personal statement – how to make it stand out John HillSixth Form Cafe and Alternatives to going straight to university Rebecca Ruddick & Michelle van den Berg LRC and Introductory Talk: John Hill, pm, followed by coffee and a choice of talks:
Introductory Talk Why university? UCAS issues Progression timeline – what, how and when Transition Year 12 to Year 13 Important dates
Why university Opportunities it offers Employment and financial Social
University entry levels reach 49% Graduate job rate tops unqualified http://
The Cost? Typical student debt around £40000 Regard the financial cost as a graduate tax of 9% of your salary above £21,000 But, if uncertain, there are increasing numbers of alternative routes to higher level skills and qualifications
Progression Timeline – Key Dates 28 th AprilHigher Education Advice Evening 11 th MayAS level Exams Begin – Exam leave from half-term 10 th JuneNext Step Conference – Students return to school from exam leave (Year 13 begins) W/C 22 nd June Wednesday 24 June and Thursday 25 June Progression Days (and EPQ) Friday 26 June University Visits (Newcastle and Northumbria) and Fast Track Day 7 th JulyFast Track and EPQ day 2 nd SeptYear 13 students meet with teachers and predicted grades finalised 14 th SeptUCAS paragraphs completed and applications can be completed Sept/OctReferees support applications Deadlines15 Oct: Oxbridge/Medicine/Dentistry/Vet 23 Oct: QEHS Deadline
Next Step Conference Wednesday 10 June Students will make choices on Thursday 30 April
Next Step Programme Session titleDescription of session Going to university Why consider university and how to select a university and course – session led by a representative from Newcastle University admissions The alternatives to university What are the alternatives to going to university? This session with explore all routes including gap year, employment, corporate sponsorship and apprenticeships OUTLINE OF THE DAY INTRODUCTORY PRESENTATIONS All students will attend both these sessions First session: Second session:
Next Step Programme UNIVERSITY, EMPLOYMENT AND GAP YEAR WORKSHOPS - Students attend two of the following: Workshop Title Apprenticeships Destination Unknown Gap Year Inspiration/Enterprise Introduction to university finance Scottish System Year in Industry First session: Second session:
Next Step Programme CAREER-RELATED WORKSHOPS Students attend one workshop: Workshop Title Accountancy and FinanceJournalism Art Foundation CourseLanguages BusinessMedicine Construction apprenticeshipsNursing & midwifery Chemical engineeringSports apprenticeships Civil engineering and architectureTeaching pm
Workshop Title Animation and computer graphicsMechanical engineering BankingPerforming Arts/Music/Drama EconomicsPsychology Foundation Degree CoursesSocial and Youth Work LawTeaching Marine Biology Next Step Programme CAREER-RELATED WORKSHOPS Students attend one workshop: pm
Applying to University UCAS
UCAS Headlines Consistently 85% of our students who complete Year 13 apply to university Increasing numbers taking deferred entries and Gap Years Well above average number of offers for QEHS students
UCAS – Why we are Successful Well informed students – importance of Bulletin and Student Information Page Appropriate choices Early applications Enhancement
University offers Universities make offers in slightly different ways. For example: 3 B grades at A2 3 B grades at A2 (one of which must be in maths) 300 UCAS points from A2 300 UCAS points 200 of which must be from A2 subjects 300 UCAS points
UCAS Tariff Points A2 LevelGrade A* 140 Grade A 120AS LevelGrade A 60 Grade B 100Grade B 50 Grade C 80Grade C 40 Grade D 60Grade D 30 Grade E 40Grade E 20
UCAS Tariff Points cont. OCR Diploma (Double option) D* D* (Distinction* x2)280 D*D (* and Distinction)260 D D (Distinction)240 DM (Dist. & Merit)200 MM (Merit x2)160 MP (Merit &Pass)120 PP (Pass x2)80
UCAS Tariff points cont. BTEC2 Year Subsidiary Diploma 1 Year Certificate Distinction*14070 Distinction12060 Merit8040 Pass4020
Transition – Year 12 to Year 13 Keep existing subjects on until September –Use time wisely –Attendance essential –EPQ
What happens in August? Exam results (August 13 TH ) –Results issued to students & analysed by school –Re-marks requested by school/student, if appropriate –Decisions taken re: programme of study for Y13 Do students have a programme of study to continue with? Does a student need to re-sit the year (Year 12)? Where there are major concerns students will be invited in between 26 – 28 August
What happens in September Students meet with subject teachers on Wednesday 2 September Which subject should be dropped – or not What are the predicted grades for UCAS applications Looking forward, what modules should be re-sat in June 2016 Friday 4 September Term begins
Higher Education Advice Evening TalkPresenterPlaceTime The UCAS process and how to choose a university & course Durham University – Jenifer Burton Theatre and Student financeNewcastle University – Rachel Pratt Sixth Form Café Extension and Personal statement – how to make it stand out John HillSixth Form Cafe and Alternatives to going straight to university Rebecca Ruddick & Michelle van den Berg LRC and Introductory Talk: John Hill, pm, followed by coffee and a choice of talks: