Invent Your Tomorrow CLASS OF 2019
Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Our School 4 year STEM Themed High School Focus on Project-Based Learning One-to-One School Courses are offered at the Honors Level Graduation and College Entrance Requirements fullfilled Students have the opportunity to earn college credits beginning their freshmen year PLTW-Engineering Problem-solving skills, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration
Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Our School Additional courses offered through NCVPS and NCSSM Partnerships with local business/industry, colleges/universities, Asheville Chamber of Commerce Showcase of employment opportunities Mentors Internships Economic Growth for Western North Carolina Students may participate in extra-curricular activities, including sports, at the base high school
Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Why STEM 8 million job openings in STEM related occupations by 2018 STEM occupations growing by 17%, others are growing by 9.8% Approximately 400,000 STEM related jobs in NC. More than 70,000 new STEM related jobs will be created by STEM jobs in NC pay 64% more than the average job.
Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Invent Your Tomorrow 4 year degree from a college/university 2 year degree from a technical/community college Military Workforce We simply want to provide all of our students with skills and education needed to pursue their dreams.
Who We Are We provide a challenging curriculum focused on preparing students for real world problem-solving, developing talent in STEM fields, and leading to industry credentialing and post-secondary credit acquisition. The student-centered curriculum uses a project-based approach. We replicate an innovative, high-tech, research environment merging educational practices with business principles. Average Student GPA after first semester: 4.03 Top 3 Interest Areas class of 2018: 72% Investigative, 55% Artistic, 34% Social, Top 3 Interest Areas class of 2019: 55.4% Investigative, 14.9% Artistic, 12.2% Realistic
What We Offer 9 th graders have the opportunity to earn 3 college credit hours, participate in 3 college level courses and 4 honors level courses, opportunity for MOS certifications. 10 th graders have the opportunity to earn AT LEAST 6 additional college credit hours, participate in 3 college level courses, as well as 5 more honors level courses. Internships and additional college course/AP opportunities will be provided within the Junior and Senior year.
What We Offer: 9 th Grade English 1 Honors Math I, Math 2 Honors, or Math 3 Honors Earth Science Honors Physical Science American History 1 Honors PLTW Intro to Engineering & Design (college level weight) ACA 115 (AB Tech)
What We Offer: 10 th Grade English 2 Honors Math 3 Honors or Pre-calculus Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors American History 2 Honors PLTW Principles of Engineering AP level (college credit)
Future PLTW Courses Computer Integrated Manufacturing Computer Science and Software Engineering Environmental Sustainability
Electives AB Tech Course Offerings Psychology 150 (3 college credits) Sociology 210 (3 college credits) Art 111 Art Appreciation (3 college credits) Music 110 Music Appreciation (3 college credits) CIS 110 (3 college credits) Other Elective Options via NCSSM Interactive Video Conference Other Elective Options via NCVPS including foreign language
Smart Lunch Smart Lunch is an opportunity for students to receive extra help on course work or to work ahead on assignments while receiving help from peer tutors and teachers. Peer tutors are selected based upon an application process
What We Offer: Activities Students may participate in sports, marching band and other after school extra-curricular activities at base schools NDA currently offers: TSA, Chess Club, Yearbook, Poetry Club, Young Innovators Club, Chorus, Math Club, Youth Compass, Ensemble, and Student Government.
Daily Schedule 1 st period8:25-9:40 2 nd period9:45-10:55 LUNCH10:55-11:55 3 rd period12:00-1:10 4 th period1:15-2:25
How to Apply Currently reside in one of the 6 Buncombe County School Districts Applications are posted online and available for download March 1 Only applications with all items completed will be considered Submit a 2 minute video or 400 word essay with your application Submit 2 teacher recommendations (online) Deadline: Mail all applications to the address listed by April 15th A confirmation will be sent once the application is received th graders will be chosen by lottery Students not accepted are placed on a waiting list All students accepted will be notified on May 17 th and May 18 th
To Upcoming 9 th Graders From Class of 2018 Find yourself a few close friends and do not work alone. Do whatever you can to educate yourself and dream big and work hard. Make sure to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to talk to others. You’ll never have fun in school years without people you can hang out with! Keep up with time management and keep a calendar. You can complete your work if you don’t procrastinate. Don’t be scared. Be excited! This is a great opportunity. If you stay on top of things life at NDA is super chill.