Indicators – intervention logic, differences ( vs programming period, ESF vs. ERDF) Piotr Wolski Marshall’s Office Zachodniopomorskie Region, Poland
Indicators Legal framework Europe 2020 strategy Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 (CPR, GAC7), Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 (ERDF), Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 (ESF), Implementing Regulation (EU) No 288/2014 programme template, Implementing Regulation (EU) No 215/2014 performance framework, and many more…
Europe 2020 strategy Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Concentrated on evidence based policy, Common goals of all European funds, Clear logic of intervention aimed at achieving agreed goals. Goals measured by indicators on level of the Europe.
Intervention logic An operational programme is consisting of priority axes, Axes are consisting of investment priorities, Priorities have their objectives, Objectives correspond to result indicators, Planned actions are described by output indicators, Performance framework setting milestones for 2018, including fiancial indicator, Breakdown of resources to categories of intervention.
Aim of the axis Investment Priority Objective Result indicator Output indicator Output indicators Financial indicator KIS Performance framework Milestones for 2018 Targets for 2023
Performance framework Established by CPR and detailed by 215/2014. Must consist of output indicators and financial indicator, Outputs must cover no less than 50% of allocation, May include key implementing steps, Will be reviewed at end of 2018, Less than 85% of achievement is a failure, Less than 65% is a major failure, In case of failure the funds will be relocated to other axis or programme (only to ring-fenced TO).
Indicators ERDF Result indicators – strategic, based on public staistics. Must have baseline and target value. Immediate results (optional) – a year after completion of the project, Output indicators – immediate.
Indicators ESF Result indicators – strategic, based on public staistics. Longer-term result indicators for participants (6 months), Immediate results for entities, Immediate results for participants, Output indicators for entities, Output indicators for participants.
General ex ante conditionality 7 Arrangements for timely collection and aggregation of statistical data with the following elements are in place: – the identification of sources and mechanisms to ensure statistical validation; – arrangements for publication and public availability of aggregated data; An effective system of result indicators including: – the selection of result indicators for each programme providing information on what motivates the selection of policy actions financed by the programme; – the establishment of targets for these indicators; – the consistency of each indicator with the following requisites: robustness and statistical validation, clarity of normative interpretation, responsiveness to policy, timely collection of data; – Procedures in place to ensure that all operations financed by the programme adopt an effective system of indicators.
Indicators in Poland Ministry of Regional Development prepared „Instruction on preparation of paper version of programmes” basing on template from Regulation no. 288/2014. Common List of Key Indicators was prepared and consulted with all MA (it still evolves). There are only result and output indicators. MA’s are obliged to use Polish common indicators where appropriate but can add their’s own. MRD’s Guidelines for monitoring are in force.
Indicators in Poland Every indicator on a Common List of Key Indicators have it’s own description and simple methodology of calculation and monitoring. If an institution wants to add another indicator, it must have full description. It ensures consistency. Regions can choose other regions indicatiors, if’d find them useful.
In Zachodniopomorskie Every operation provides data in sustainability period. In these reports data of every consecutive year are collected. Not achieving declared levels can lead to corrections.