ADB – Transport Sector Operations in India New Delhi, 26 October 2012 India- Spain Multilateral Partnership Meeting
Presentation Structure 1.ADB Strategy ADB Portfolio in India – ADB Indicative Pipeline Projects and TAs
Strategy 2020 ADB ’ s Long-Term Strategic Framework 2008 – 2020 Three Strategic Agendas Inclusive Growth Environmentally Sustainable Growth Regional Integration and Cooperation
Strategy 2020: Core Operational Areas Infrastructure Environment Climate change Livable cities Complementary actions Regional Cooperation and Integration Finance Sector Development Education
ADB Assistance to India (1986 to 30 September 2012) SectorNumber of Loans* Amount ($ million) Agriculture Energy348,683.5 Finance345,770.0 Transport389,979.9 Urban224,396.2 Total13329,603.9 * Regular loans + MFF full facility basis
India Portfolio SectorNumber of Loans Amount ($ million) Agriculture Energy253,617.2 Finance81,813.5 Transport153,282.3 Urban232,101.0 Total7711,077.0 * Regular loans + PFRs of MFF loans
India Portfolio – Transport Sector Key Interventions No Project NameYear Approved $ Million 1 Ports Development Railways Road Improvement (Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka) Second Road (Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Andra Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal) Second Ports Second Railways Coal Ports National Highways (Bihar, West Bengal, Haryana, Rajasthan, Andra Pradesh) Mumbai And Chennai Ports -MPT Mumbai And Chennai Ports -CPT Surat-Manor Tollway Western Transport Corridor West Bengal Corridor Development East-West Corridor
India Portfolio – Transport Sector (Cntd..) Key Interventions No Project NameYear Approved $ Million 15 Madhya Pradesh State Roads Sector Development Program (Program Loan) Madhya Pradesh State Roads Sector Development Program (Project Loan) Railway Sector Improvement Project Rural Roads Sector I National Highway Corridor (Sector) I (Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh) Chhattisgarh State Roads Development Sector National Highway Sector II Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program – Tranche 1 (Assam, Orissa, West Bengal) Uttaranchal State-Road Investment Program – Tranche Madhya Pradesh State Roads Sector Project II Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program – Tranche 2 (Assam, West Bengal) Bihar State Highways Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program – Tranche 3 (Assam, West Bengal) Uttarakhand State-Road Investment Program – Tranche National Highway Corridor (Sector) I – (Supplementary)
India Portfolio – Transport Sector (Cntd..) Key Interventions No Project NameYear Approved $ Million 30 Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program – Tranche 4 (Assam, Orissa, West Bengal) Jharkhand State Roads Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program – Tranche 5 (Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal) Bihar State Highways II Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project Madhya Pradesh State Roads Project III North Eastern State Roads Investment Program – Tranche 1 (Assam, Meghalaya, Sikkim) Railway Sector Investment Program-Tranche Rural Connectivity Investment Program-Tranche Bihar State Highways II –Additional Financing
Major Ongoing Projects Project NameScope of Work Bihar State Highways II Project (LN2663: $ 300 M) The project will build and upgrade about 356 kilometers of state highways identified under the State Highway Development Program of Bihar. Consulting services will be provided to strengthen BSRDC’s capacity in the field of outsourcing road maintenance, climate proofing of road design criteria, identify options for road maintenance funding and the collection of baseline data to monitor the achievement of project results Civil works :05 Contracts Consulting Services :02 Contracts Bihar State Highways II Project Additional Financing (LN2894: $ 300 M) The project will expand the original project by rehabilitating and upgrading 254 kilometers (km) of state highways in Bihar identified under the Bihar State Highways Development Program, 2007–2012. These severely deteriorated highway sections are in the very poor northern and southern parts of the state. The project will upgrade existing roads to two lanes, strengthen existing pavement, strengthen culverts and bridges, and construct new bridges and cross-draining structures. Civil works 04 Contracts Consulting Services :01 Contract Madhya Pradesh State Roads Sector III (LN2736: $ 300 M) The project will rehabilitate and upgrade about 1,080 kilometers (km) of state highways in Madhya Pradesh identified under the state road rehabilitation program. The implementation of civil works will be supervised through consulting services Civil works :13 Contracts Consulting Services :01 Contract
Project NameScope of Work Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project LN2705 : $ 315M The Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project will upgrade about 615 kilometers (km) of state highways in the state of Karnataka and strengthen the capacity of the Public Works Department (PWD) of the Government of Karnataka (GOK) to develop, operate, and maintain the state road network Civil works :09 Contracts Consulting Services :02 Contracts Railway Sector Investment Program-Tranche 1 LN2793 : $ 150M (Under MFF $ 500M) The Loan is the first tranche of MFF Railway Sector Investment Program in $500 million, which will finance time-slices of the Railway Sector Investment Program. ADB financing under the MFF covers the following components: Railway Improvement Component; Efficiency Enhancement Component; and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Component. ADB, through Loan 2793-IND, will finance $150 million Civil works + Supply :17+ Contracts Consulting Services : 1 Contract Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program & Tranche 4&5 LN2445 : $ 130 LN2535 : $ 185M (Under MFF $ 750M) The Rural Roads Sector II Investment Program makes available assistance in providing rural habitations in the most poorly connected states-initially Assam, Orissa, and West Bengal, and any other states meeting the Investment Program requirements—with all-weather road connections; and (ii) improving efficiency and sustainability of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) implementation in these states by providing support for capacity building in technical, safeguard, financial management, and road safety aspect. Larger number of small civil contracts Consulting Services Major Ongoing Projects
Project NameScope of Work Rural Connectivity Investment Program Tranche 1 LN2881: $ 252 M (Under MFF $ 800M) The investment program financing will construct to all-weather standard about 9,000 kilometers (km) of rural roads connecting around 4,200 habitations in the investment program states of Assam, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and West Bengal. For the investments in physical infrastructure to be effective and sustainable, the investment program will also focus on improving institutional arrangements, business processes, and associated capacity building, especially in relation to design, operation, safeguards, finance, road safety, and asset management Larger number of small civil contracts Consulting Services Jharkhand State Roads Project LN2594: $ 200 M The Jharkhand State Roads Project (JSRP) will rehabilitate and improve a 311 kilometer (km) state road from Govindpur to Sahebganj (via Jamtara, Dumka, and Barhet) to a two-lane standard. The improved road will become a backbone of the northeastern part of the state, and connect it to National Highway 2 (NH2), the state’s main highway, and to the larger national highway network. Civil works :04 Contracts Consulting Services :01 Contracts Uttarakhand State Road Investment Program Tranche 2 (LN2458: $ 140 M) (Under MFF $ 550M) Project will help the State of Uttarakhand to (i) improve a sub-network of roads totaling about 898 kilometers; (ii) undertake business process re-engineering of PWD; and (iii) increase PWD staff's asset management skills Civil works :20 Contracts Consulting Services :02 Contracts Major Ongoing Projects
Project NameScope of Work Uttarakhand State Road Investment Program (LN2458: $ 140 M) (Under MFF $ 550M) Project will help the State of Uttarakhand to (i) improve a sub-network of roads totaling about 898 kilometers; (ii) undertake business process re-engineering of PWD; and (iii) increase PWD staff's asset management skills Civil works :20 Contracts Consulting Services :02 Contracts North Eastern State Roads Investment Program LN2770: $ 74.8 M (Under MFF $ 550M) The Jharkhand State Roads Project (JSRP) will rehabilitate and improve a 311 kilometer (km) state road from Govindpur to Sahebganj (via Jamtara, Dumka, and Barhet) to a two-lane standard. The Project will also enhance the project management skills of the officials of the executing agency through involvement in activities that are central to project management, such as project design, implementation planning, procurement, land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation, environmental management, utility shifting, contract management, and financial management Civil works :03 Contracts Consulting Services : 04 Contracts India Transport Portfolio – Major Projects
Pipeline Projects for Transport Sector in India YearProjectsIndicative Amount ($ Million) For 2012Chhattisgarh State Roads Project For 2013Jaipur Metro Project SASEC Road Connectivity Project For 2014Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project Bangalore Metro - Phase II Jharkhand State Roads II For 2015SASEC Port Connectivity Project Rural Connectivity Investment Program II Karnataka State Roads II Uttar Pradesh Urban Transit System200.00
Pipeline TAs for Transport Sector in India YearProjectsIndicative Amt. ‘000 $ For 2013 Preparing State Road Development Project (Uttar Pradesh) 700 Preparing Jaipur Metro Project1500 Support to Establishment and Operation of the Rural Road Network Management Unit - Preparing Bangalore Metro Project II1000 Preparing Rural Connectivity1000 For 2014 Preparing the State Road Development Project700 Capacity Building for the Road Construction Department (Jharkhand) 500 Capacity Building for the Road Agencies ( West Bengal)500 For 2015 Preparing Uttar Pradesh Unban Transit Project700 Preparing Karnataka State Roads II700 Preparing Maharashtra State Roads700 Capacity Building for the State Road Agency500 Capacity Building for the State Road Agency500
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