Jonas Brothers The Jonas Brothers are an American band from New Jersey. The band are currently signed with Hollywood Records. They have released 4 albums; It's About Time, Jonas Brothers: Bonus Jonas, Jonas Brothers and A Little Bit Longer. The three members are (r-l) Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas. The music is good because it is based on real life experiences and you can sometimes relate your lives to a song. The Jonas Brothers are becoming the latest most famous worldwide band.
Joe Jonas Joseph Adam Jonas (19), known to fans, friends and family alike as Joe, DJ, DJ Danger and Lightning, was born 15 th of August Joe is lead vocals in the band but also plays the keyboard, guitar and tambourine. In the midst of his 5 guitars, Joe owns an acoustic called Black Pearl. In school, his favourite subject was Maths. His Chinese horoscope animal is a snake. Joe's favourite car is a Mercedes Joe once drove the band's tour bus, but almost crashed it! Joe's most famous quotes are; Poned, Awkward, Nick's A Stud Muffin, It can mean like waiting in line and you’re just like “..hold on”. Or if you’re riding your bike and you get a flat tire and you’re like…Hold on…to your bike? It can mean…Okay I need to figure out what this song means and Have you ever googled google, then googled again? Joe's favourite colour is blue.
Nick Jonas Nicholas Jerry Jonas (15), known to fans, friends and family as Nick or Nick J, was born 16 th of September Nick's places in the band are, lead vocals,drums and lead guitar. Nick was supposed to have a solo career but as his brothers helped him write a song, the record company saw the potential that his brothers had too. Nick's Chinese horoscope animal is a monkey. He was diagnosed with diabetes in 2005 whilst on tour. Nick's favourite colour is blue. Nick hates spiders.
Kevin Jonas Paul Kevin Jonas II, (20) otherwise known as K2, Energiser Bunny and Kevin, was born on the 5 th of November In the band, Kevin is back-up vocals and lead guitar. His favourite car is a Jeep Commander. He also owns one of his own. Kevin's favourite food is sushi. His favourite school subjects were Latin and History. Kevin's favourite colour is Forest Green. His Chinese horoscope is a rabbit. Loads of people hate Kevin, but there wouldn't be a Jonas Brothers without him!
Movies and programs starred in:Camp Rock... Quotes: Jason: Oh and can you make me a birdhouse or something? Shane Gray: One word! Payback! Jason: That’s two words! Shane Gray:I learned my lesson. I showered in cold water, I've looked at a tree. It's been three hours, I need hair products. Kevin:Yeah no go backs. It's like the golden rule Nick: No the golden rule is to tell the truth Kevin:Dude, then it can be like, the silver rule. Nick:Why is it the silver rule? Kevin:OK fine the copper rule Nick:The copper rule? Kevin:Give me a hint Camp Rock Main Cast: Shane Gray:Joe Jonas Nate: Nick Jonas Jason: Kevin Jonas Mitchie Torez: Demi Lovato
Movies and programs starred in...J.O.N.A.S...