Teacher Evaluation & CEL 5 D


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher Evaluation & CEL 5 D Day 2

Learning Targets Develop an understanding of how the 5D instructional framework and the 5D+ rubric connect. Develop an understanding of how the Cycle of Inquiry enhances my evaluation.

Success Criteria I can describe key ideas that connect dimensions to indicators within and across the 5D framework and 5D+ rubric. I can describe the Cycle of Inquiry and how it enhances my final evaluation. .

Review of Day 1 CEL 5D Framework CEL 5D + Rubric Performance Indicators Vision Statements & Guiding Questions Guide for lesson planning Reflection Lesson debrief w/administrator CEL 5D + Rubric Dimensions Classroom Environment & Culture Professional Collaboration & Communication Subdimensions Indicators & Indicator Numbers Performance Levels Progressive Performance Language Take out the rubric and the framework card Review: CEL Framework: The performance indicators are…and where they are located on the framework Vision statement and guiding questions purpose of it CEL 5D+ The plus is to add criterions 7&8. (purple) CEL is an instructional framework— 7&8 are outside of the classroom — evidence teacher provides to administrators CEL had to write to meet the state requirements performance language— refer to glossary when possible to ground everyone in the same language/understanding

Cycle of Inquiry Teacher and Administrator roles

Learning Targets Develop an understanding of how the 5D instructional framework and the 5D+ rubric connect. Develop an understanding of how the Cycle of Inquiry enhances my evaluation.

Success Criteria I can describe key ideas that connect dimensions to indicators within and across the 5D framework and 5D+ rubric. I can describe the Cycle of Inquiry and how it enhances my final evaluation.

Cycle of Inquiry SELF-ASSESS: Teacher self-assesses to identify an area of focus. PRE-INQUIRY CONFERENCE: Teacher and principal engage in a pre-inquiry conference. Based on the responses in the self-assessment, what is your area of focus? What kind of evidence will you collect? IMPLEMENTATION & SUPPORT: Teacher and principal engage in study and learning around area of focus. POST-INQUIRY CONFERENCE: Teacher and principal engage in a post-inquiry conference. Based on your inquiry, what did you learn about your practice as it impacts student learning? Here is the overview of the inquiry cycle. You’ll notice that it still has the same four steps, but Step 3 has been re-named to better capture what actually happens in that step. self assessment does not have to be turned in— but admin will mostly like be asking about strengths/challenges/areas for growth— this tool will help focus/guide that conversation

5D+ Inquiry Cycle Same inquiry cycle in graphic form. POST-INQUIRY CONFERENCE: Teacher and principal engage in a post-inquiry conference. Based on your inquiry, what did you learn about your practice as it impacts student learning? SELF-ASSESS: Teacher self-assesses to identify an area of focus. Same inquiry cycle in graphic form. note: that Step 3 is larger and again, name change- this is the heart of the work PRE-INQUIRY CONFERENCE: Teacher and principal engage in a pre-inquiry conference. Based on the responses in the self-assessment, what is your area of focus? What kind of evidence will you collect? IMPLEMENTATION & SUPPPORT: Teacher and principal engage in study and learning around area of focus.

Dimension Groups Group by color Get into various table groups by colors as designated on your stickers. Each table will need Chart paper and Markers Each Color is assigned a dimension Red – Student Engagement Yellow – Curriculum & Pedagogy Green – Assessment Blue – Purpose

Evidences Brainstorm Evidence Walk Collaborate with table group strategies/techniques used in you use that provide evidence for your dimension. Chart 2 or 3 evidences for each indicator. Evidence Walk Need rubric, sticky notes, pen/pencil In your groups you will spend 5 minutes at each dimension chart discussing the evidences posted. Add additional evidences with sticky notes Assign remaining dimensions (Curriculum & Pedagogy, Student Engagement, Purpose, and Assessment) to table groups. Have groups use chart paper to list evidences for indicators. Post Charts Evidence Walk – As table groups, have them visit each dimension. Teachers should read charts, discuss evidences/strategies listed and add evidences/strategies from their classroom with sticky notes.

10 Minute Break

Why Self Assess? Self-Assess State law requires that every teacher complete a self assessment each fall on the criterion they will be evaluated on The self assessment starts a conversation about strengths and the potential areas for professional growth for that year

Self-Assess Highlight Start at basic. Pay attention to frequency words, and, or, teacher, student, commas, etc. Highlight where you think you are in your practice Teachers will need their rubric and their framework. Go through the entire rubric and self-assess where they are in their individual practice. If they need to revisit charts for evidences they do that. Have them highlight where they feel they are in their practice for each indicator.

Pre-Inquiry Goals Student Growth Data Pre-lesson Conversation Video (11 min) Summarize Conversation Nested Goals 8-6-3 sub group = 2+ a subgroup within a whole class that connects to building goals data: pre-assess/2 formatives assess/post assess data tracking: ideas- excel spreadsheet, grade book downloaded to excel

Student Growth Student Growth Data must be relevant to the teacher and subject matter and must be based on multiple measures and shall mean the change in student achievement between two points in time within the current school year, or as agreed upon by the teacher and the evaluator. Assessments used to demonstrate growth should predominately originate at the classroom level and be initiated by the classroom teacher. Assessments used to demonstrate growth must be appropriate, relevant, and may include both formative and summative measures.

Student Growth Goal Setting The teacher and principal will meet to discuss Student Growth Goal Setting prior to a goal being selected. The teacher shall choose a student growth goal for Components SG - 3.1, SG – 6.1, and SG – 8.1 on a Goal Setting form. The goal for SG – 6.1 and SG – 8.1 may be the same goal. Preferably, the goal(s) shall be mutually agreed upon by the teacher and the evaluator.

Implementation & Support Observation Scripting (handout) Coding Noticing/ Wondering Analyzing Feedback Conversation Noticings/ Wonderings Reflecting Student Work Share Collaborative Work Support/ Resources scripting is facts—non judgmental The teacher did… The students did… what’s written and said Wonderings should be answered in feedback conversation

Post Inquiry CEL 5D+ Rubric Conference (December- January) and (March-April) What did you learn about your practice andits impact on student learning? Analyze student growth data CEL 5D+ Rubric Formatively in December – January Review goals – change if needed Summative in March - April

1 Hour

Breakout Sessions Red Dots go to MLC Music Room or AHS Room 201 Student Growth Yellow dots go to MLC Classroom C or AHS Room 203 Comprehensive Evals, Focused Evals & Pivot Green dots go to MLC Classroom D/AHS Room 228 Mid-Year Formative Feedback, Final Evaluation, Scripting & Coding Blue dots go to MLC Classroom E/AHS Business Ed Room Teacher Panel Rotation #1: Red dot (or #1)’s go to Messiah Music Room (or when at AHS room 201) for Student Growth Mini-Session Yellow dots (or #2)’s go to Messiah Classroom C (or when at AHS room 203) for Comprehensive, Focused Evals & Pivot Mini-Session Green dots (or #3)’s  go to Messiah Classroom D (or when at AHS room 228) for MidYear Formative Feedback/Final Evaluation/Scripting & Coding Mini-Session Blue dots (or #4)’s go to Messiah Classroom E (or when at AHS room Business Ed) for Teacher Panel Mini-Session Rotation #2: Blue dots (or #4)’s go to Messiah Music Room (or when at AHS room 201) for Student Growth Mini-Session Red dot (or #1)’s go to Messiah Classroom C (or when at AHS room 203) for Comprehensive, Focused Evals & Pivot Mini-Session Yellow dots (or #2)’s go to Messiah Classroom D (or when at AHS room 228) for MidYear Formative Feedback/Final Evaluation/Scripting & Coding Mini-Session Green dots (or #3)’s  go to Messiah Classroom E (or when at AHS room Business Ed) for Teacher Panel Mini-Session Rotation #3: Green dots (or #3)’s go to Messiah Music Room (or when at AHS room 201) for Student Growth Mini-Session Blue dots (or #4)’s go to Messiah Classroom C (or when at AHS room 203) for Comprehensive, Focused Evals & Pivot Mini-Session Red dot (or #1)’s go to Messiah Classroom D (or when at AHS room 228) for MidYear Formative Feedback/Final Evaluation/Scripting & Coding Mini-Session Yellow dots (or #2)’s go to Messiah Classroom E (or when at AHS room Business Ed) for Teacher Panel Mini-Session Rotation #4: Yellow dots (or #2)’s go to Messiah Music Room (or when at AHS room 201) for Student Growth Mini-Session Green dots (or #3)’s go to Messiah Classroom C (or when at AHS room 203) for Comprehensive, Focused Evals & Pivot Mini-Session Blue dots (or #4)’s go to Messiah Classroom D (or when at AHS room 228) for MidYear Formative Feedback/Final Evaluation/Scripting & Coding Mini-Session Red dot (or #1)’s go to Messiah Classroom E (or when at AHS room Business Ed) for Teacher Panel Mini-Session

10 Minute Break between session 2 and 3

Learning Targets Develop an understanding of how the 5D instructional framework and the 5D+ rubric connect. Develop an understanding of how the Cycle of Inquiry enhances my evaluation.

Success Criteria I can describe key ideas that connect dimensions to indicators within and across the 5D framework and 5D+ rubric. I can describe the Cycle of Inquiry and how it enhances my final evaluation.

What’s Next Evaluation/Clock Hour Forms Booster Sessions

Final Questions