Unrepresented Staff Yearly Performance Reviews Tips for an Effective Review
Evaluations are due June 15 annually sent by (preferred) to Blank templates are available on the Faculty/Staff Shared drive >> HR Public Forms Folder or via the UCBA HR website: performance-evaluation-faq-guide.html This PowerPoint is also available for download on the website.
The Evaluation Review Form General Information & Instructions on Completing the Review. -Important Note: This template is for Unrepresented Staff members only. If you are reviewing a member of a union or a faculty member, then there is a different process and different forms you must use. -Completed forms and questions can be directed to:
Performance reviews should reflect the employee’s work on the basis of supporting the mission of UC Blue Ash. College Mission Statement The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College provides an excellent and accessible education for students from a wide array of educational and cultural backgrounds. Our student-centered approach to teaching and comprehensive services engage students so that they can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed academically, personally, and professionally. We promote innovative scholarship and creative works, free inquiry, lifelong learning, and service beyond the classroom.
The Evaluation Rating Scale 4 Outstanding Employee's performance is of exceptional caliber and he/she has made a superior contribution. Employee's performance far exceeded expectations and job requirements through conceptualizing and accomplishing results, which significantly furthered goals. The employee's highly developed level of expertise and responsiveness has made a superior contribution to the college. Supervisor will be able to define what work was exceptional and led to a superior contribution. What You Need to Know Before Giving a Rating of ‘4’ UCBA has some of the most proficient & accomplished staff members, however, everyone MUST have some room for improvement. Therefore, it should never be appropriate to score an Outstanding in every category. A rating of 4 should be for some specific project or accomplishment of the employee for the past year only. If a 4 is given, please provide a short, specific sentence or two about what the employee did to go above and beyond in the comments section.
3 Accomplished Employee performed job responsibilities proficiently and skillfully. Employee's knowledge and job behavioral skills and initiative were applied consistently to meet job challenges. Goals and objectives accomplished and competencies have provided a considerable contribution to the college. What You Need to Know Before Giving a Rating of ‘3’ Remember, a score of "3" is a proficient and skillful employee. This should be the goal for all staff members in each of the competencies and indicators. Try not to think of the rating scale in terms of a A, B, C, or D grade level. A three is a great rating to receive.
2 Needs Improvement Employee's performance has not fully met expectations and job requirements. While some accomplishments may have been shown, a more consistent demonstration of increased job skills, initiative, attainment of goals and objectives; and/or performance behaviors is needed to fulfill expected job requirements and meet accomplished performance standards. What You Need to Know Before Giving a Rating of ‘2’ A score of “2” may be given if the employee has demonstrated that they could improve in certain areas. The supervisor and staff member should discuss ways that improvement can take place over the next year and schedule routine meetings to make certain that improvement is being shown.
1 Unsatisfactory Employee's performance was well below expectations in performance competencies. Employee's attainment of goals and objectives; and competencies were well below identified expectations. A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is required. What You Need to Know Before Giving a Rating of ‘1’ A comment must be written explaining why the low score was given. Also note that a performance improvement plan is required to be completed if the overall score of the performance review comes out to be unsatisfactory. If an employee scores unsatisfactory in just one competency and not the entire review, the supervisor can still complete a PIP if they wish to do so.
TN Too New to Evaluate Developing in a new position held less than 6 months. Insufficient time to evaluate goals and objectives. What You Need to Know Before Giving a Rating of ‘TN’ You may type "TN" in some indicators if the employee has not yet demonstrated that skill. TN should not be used for all ratings. A numerical rating should be given for all other indicators when appropriate.
NA Rating is not something for which this position is held accountable. What You Need to Know Before Using the NA Rating. Not all employees have duties in each indicator category. The indicator may not be applicable to their job. In this instance, type NA in the comments box – this will not count against their final rating.
This sections is for listing the Goals that were set last year and the employee’s evidence of progress. Goals & Objectives If more than 3 goals were set last year, please list only the top three.
Planning Next Year’s Goals & Objectives Employees are required to have one “professional development” goal to acquire new knowledge and skills that relate to the employee’s job responsibilities. Employees and supervisors must develop two other goals related to their department’s needs, employee’s development goals, etc. A total of only three goals is recommended. The last page of the review is for planning next year’s goals. This page is OPTIONAL.
A rating of 1-4, TN or NA can be typed in the Rating box. A comment must be written if a score of 4 or 1 is given. Any other comments are optional. If an indicator does not apply to the employee’s position, type NA in the Rating box.
Please Note Important Change : Competency 6: Managing Staff This section has been changed to also include supervising student workers. This section will now be applicable to many staff members who did not complete it in prior years.
Conducting an Effective Evaluation
UCBA’s Most Important Operational Asset is its Employees
WHY EFFECTIVE EVALUATIONS ARE IMPORTANT Set and reach goals and objectives in alignment with Employee’s Role and Strategic Plans of Department Support College Mission and Core Values Guide Progress Identify Challenges Improve Performance Recognize Accomplishments
Mission Statement The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College provides an excellent and accessible education for students from a wide array of educational and cultural backgrounds. Our student-centered approach to teaching and comprehensive services engage students so that they can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed academically, personally, and professionally. We promote innovative scholarship and creative works, free inquiry, lifelong learning, and service beyond the classroom. The faculty, staff, and students of the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College work together to carry out the college’s mission and vision, guided by a special set of core values that are the foundation of who we are and what we want to become. We value... the individual talents of our students, faculty, and staff. student-centered teaching that challenges and inspires. comprehensive education that develops critical thinking and an engaged citizenry. rigorous, accredited programs of study. accessible and affordable education. diversity in experiences and perspectives. innovative scholarship and creative works. service to the broader community Core Values
SET SMART GOALS 3 Goals each year Professional Development should always be Goal #1
KEY CONSIDERATIONS WHEN EVALUATING EMPLOYEES GOALS Goals Should Build a Sense of Ownership of the College’s Mission and the Department’s Goals, Objectives and Vision All goals and objectives should be in alignment with UC Blue Ash’s strategic plan and… Develop and empower contribution Promote fiscal responsibility Identify ways you will support employee Strengthen support of services Develop clear lines of team and individual accountability
When Evaluating An Employee’s Job Performance Against Goals, Considering the Following: Quantity: Were Quantitative Goals Met? Quality: How well? Timeliness: Were Target Dates Met (or extensions reasonable)? Cost: Was Employee Fiscally Responsible for or mindful of time and materials use?
DOCUMENT PERFORMANCE Make Sure Documentation is Objective Make Sure Documentation is Relevant Provide Complete and Accurate Information Coach Performance on a Regular Basis Recognize Quality Performance
DOCUMENT PERFORMANCE, cont'd. Outstanding ratings must be justified with detailed comments. Needs improvement areas are to be identified and discussed with a plan for improvement (this is less formal than the process for unsatisfactory performance) Unsatisfactory ratings must be justified with detailed comments; a performance improvement plan may be required.
IDENTIFY PERFORMANCE CHALLENGES Address Early Coach and Develop Acknowledge Growth & Improvements Discuss Continued Poor Performance
EMPLOYEE INPUT Employees Take an Active Role: Setting Goals and Objectives Designing Action Plans & Discussing Often Identifying Strengths and Needed Improvements Employees should participate in the performance evaluation meeting/process After Evaluation Review is completed, Review Form must be signed by the employee and the supervisor. This is to acknowledge that you have met and reviewed the final form.
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Communicate Standards/Expectations Give Timely Feedback Support employee’s goals and assist with fulfillment Provide Action Plan for Improvement when needed Allow Employees to Correct Deficiencies Acknowledge Quality Performance Measure Performance Consistently Document Performance Objectively Confirm Understanding