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Presentation transcript:


OBJECTIVES To emphasize the concept of discipleship. To call us back to this god’s pattern of raising his army. To ensure that our members are prepared for heaven

PREAMBLE Today, it has become popular to be called Christians, students, politicians, etc. But not many are disciples of the Master nor see a need to. The truth however is that it is not possible to be a Christian without first becoming a disciple. Act 11:26 “… And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”

PREAMBLE Act 11:26 “… And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” Only disciples are real Christians and only real Christians have a hope of going to heaven. It was the early Church’s passionate focus on raising disciples that produced the Christ-like life that the unbelievers saw and nick-named them “Christ-ian”. If our Christianity will not be a mere fashion or just a following of the popular trend, then we need to find out from the Bible , the what the who, the how and the why of discipleship.

THE WHAT OF DISCIPLESHIP It is a life-long process, a systematic and cumulative way of making someone (a student, a pupil, a trainee, an apprentice, a disciple) to be conformed or transformed into the full personality of the master, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discipleship is a process of reproducing or imparting the life of one (a master) in another. It is a widespread age-long practice, even before Christ. (John 1:35; Matt. 23:15; Acts 5:34-39). Discipleship is a systematic and cumulative way of making someone to become like his Master. Rom. 8:29; Matt. 4:19-22; Luke 6:40; Matt. 11:28-30.

THE WHAT OF DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship can be likened to a “Master -Apprentice” or “Teacher-Pupil” relationship, with a predetermined curriculum and behavioural objective, between the Christian and the LORD Jesus Christ. Luke 6:40; Matt. 4:19. In our own case, the master/teacher is Jesus Christ Are you like Jesus? Who do your resemble in life? – (character & behaviour)? Note: Everyone is a disciple of some sort. We are a disciple of whosoever’s philosophy or lifestyle we follow. Whose disciple are you? Your boss at work? Parents? Friends? Or that popular politician/musician/artiste/footballer?

THE WHAT OF DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship is the foundation upon which every correct work in the kingdom of God securely rests, especially soul winning. (Matt 28:18-20, ‘go’ ---- make disciples of all nations.., Matt 7:21-23). It is a well defined, systematic, lifelong process of transformation into the image and life of Jesus Christ (Matt11:28-30) : The three components of the invitation to all is: i. Come ii. Take my yoke iii. Learn of me Whereas being born again saves a man from sin, it is his subsisting discipleship relationship with the Lord Jesus that sustains the salvation and equips him for use by the master. ( Luke 9:23-26; 2Tim 2:20-21).

THE WHO OF DISCIPLESHIP WHO IS A DISCIPLE? A disciple is one who has been BORN-AGAIN. Except a man is born anew by the spirit… he has no potential to become like Jesus. Even if all the principles of Discipleship are applied, a sinner cannot develop by training to become a saint. (John 3:17; 1Cor. 2:13-15; Matt. 11:28; Titus 3:5). ARE YOU REALLY BORN AGAIN? (John 1:12-15) If not, you have no ticket to get on board DISCIPLESHIP; but you can obtain it today. Having had rest from sin and the devil, the disciple voluntarily yields his neck under the yoke of his master, so as to be taught and nurtured by him until he (the disciple) becomes like Him. (Matt. 11:29-30, Mark 3:13-14, Gal. 4:1-3).

THE WHO OF DISCIPLESHIP WHO IS A DISCIPLE? A disciple is a pupil who has voluntarily surrendered his will to the authority of his master. Matt. 4:19-22; Matt. 11:28-30; John 6:68-69; Job 13:15. A disciple is not choosy. He has come to accept the wisdom/will of the master as the best ever possible for his own. He sees and accepts everything permitted in his life as divine instrument to get him conformed into the image of his master. . He loves and highly esteems his master, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:28-29

THE HOW OF DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship is not just a “teaching” but a “making”; a “life yoking” that affords the disciple an opportunity to learn the Master by hearing, watching as well as questioning. Mat. 11:28-30; Mat. 5:1-3; Luke 11:1-4. Who made you? To whom are you responsible? Who are you deliberately watching to help you become like Christ? Are you in a yoke? Discipleship is not a single time experience. It is a process consisting of a systematic set of steps carefully arranged in order, until God’s goal is achieved. Ps. 37:23-24, 1Pet. 2:21; Matt. 24:13; Rom. 8:28-30.

THE HOW OF DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship may falling and rising, correction and whipping. You may sometimes weep and bleed. It can be painful to bend, to a new shape and focus, a man who is set on his old ways of living. Heb. 12:6; Ps. 118:18; Job 5:17-18, Prov. 3:12, John 14:15-24; 15:15. This process has a beginning, an entrance and a definite starting point (which is not unconscious, but deliberate) when the pupil voluntarily yields his neck to the yoke of the Master to learn of him. Matt. 11:29-30; 4:19-20. It involves direct encounters and interactions with the Master Himself in prayer, in His word, in service and in following in His footsteps. (1Pet. 2:21; John 8:31-32; 15:8-10).

THE HOW OF DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship for each person is unique and peculiar to the individual in pace, instrument, arrangement of lessons and dealings as determined by the Master. No Disciple should compare Christ’s dealings with him with another disciple’s. John 21:15-25; John 20:19-20, 24-29; Compare with Matt. 20:1-16. When the disciple has made real progress in his discipleship program with the LORD, his Character, deeds and manner of life and speech show obviously to those around, that he had been with Jesus” Act. 4:13; 11:26; Matt. 26:69-73.

THE HOW OF DISCIPLESHIP Some essential roles of a Discipler: Modeling Christ: 1 Cor 11.1 Audio visual example of Christlikeness(1 Tim 4;12) Prayer: Gal. 4:19; 1 Teaching: 2Tim 2:2, Matt 5:1-2 Counseling: 2Tim 3:16-17; Matt 17:19-21 Correcting: Gal: 1:6-7 Encouraging: 2Tim 1:6 Rebuking: Lk 9:54-55;Matt 16:23;

THE HOW OF DISCIPLESHIP Biblical pattern of discipleship - Unending chain. Moses discipled Joshua Jesus discipled Peter and the others Paul discipled Timothy and others And the chain continued (II Tim 2:2) God expect us to link into this chain for continuity Each believer needs to be discipled and should make Disciples. This should be our pattern in FGBMFI - we should be discipled to disciple others.

THE WHY OF DISCIPLESHIP Discipleship is God’s means of achieving His eternal purpose of calling any man to Himself. Matt. 4:19 To conform men to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 8:28-30. To help believers to grow spiritually unto maturity/ perfection. Eph. 4:12-15. For Christ not to be ashamed or shrink to call us brethren. Heb. 2:10-11 To bond a man for God’s use. Mark 3:13-15; 11:1-8; Compare Matt. 4:21-22 with Luke 18:22-25. To bring men into an intimate relationship with God. Mark 3:13- 15; John 21:20-22; 1Kings 19:19-21. To help believers to be fruitful. Jn 15:5,16; 2 Tim 2:21

WHY DISCIPLESHIP IN FGBMFI? God has not changed His standard for life and Godliness - Conformity to the image of Jesus is still the only yardstick (Ephe 4:13) and it is still the same heaven for all saints. (Heb 12:1-2, Matt 7:21-23). To call men back to God, train and equip them to fulfill the great commission - that is to ‘go’ and ‘make disciples of all nations’. (Matt 28:19). (FGBMFI Mission statement No.1, 2 and 4) You can only be an effective member of FGBMFI when you are a disciple of Jesus. (Acts 11:26) Spiritual growth and maturity of believers which is one of the cardinal objectives of the fellowship can only be attained through discipleship (FGBMFI Mission Statement No.3).

WHY DISCIPLESHIP IN FGBMFI? Genuine Christian fellowship can only take place amongst disciples. I Jn 1:3, 6-7 (FGBMFI Mission Statement No.5 and 6). Full gospel members should make heaven and only Christians can make heaven and only disciples can be Christians. (Acts 11:26) The primary focus of discipleship in FGBMFI is the building of the life through which effective ministry can flow.

WHY DISCIPLESHIP IN FGBMFI? Each member of FGBMFI is expected to: Grow systematically and become like Jesus. Romans 8:29 Be equipped and mobilized for service. Eph. 4:11-13. Be a light in the city gates and the marketplace. This will be achieved via consistent and systematic learning and following of Jesus through His example, His word, the Holy Spirit and Human Disciplers, Matt 11:28-30. The chapter is the basic operational unit of the fellowship. Discipleship therefore has to be entrenched into the life of the chapter.

WHY DISCIPLESHIP IN FGBMFI? The Platforms: 1st Wednesday of every Month is a Discipleship and Prayer meeting. Teaching (20mins) with Focus on: Personal Sanctification - following Jesus, followed by spirit led prayers and ministrations. 3rd Chapter meeting in the month is a capacity building meeting. There shall be a teaching on discipleship (45mins) with focus on: life training and operational training i.e. The fundamentals of following and becoming like Jesus, building the Kingdom lifestyle and equipping for personal ministry.

WHY DISCIPLESHIP IN FGBMFI? The Resource Materials: The Christian life is Exciting consisting 12 modules with 5 topics each. Members are to study the designated module personally before the subject is taught in the chapter during the monthly discipleship meeting (by men with manifest grace) with ministrations, question and answer time etc. Discipleship training materials published by the national discipleship committee Other resource materials will be introduced in due course.

WHY DISCIPLESHIP IN FGBMFI? Practical Discipleship Relationships Healthy Discipleship relationships are to be encouraged across the fellowship. By default, the structure of the fellowship provides a good relationship ladder: National Director disciples his Field Reps, Field Rep disciples his Chapter Presidents, Chapter President disciples his EXCO, EXCO members disciple their committee members. Each chapter, acting individually or collaboratively with other chapters should organise regular Discipleship classes for members.

No man can follow Jesus unconsciously. CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me…” Jesus insists. Matt. 11:28-30. No man can follow Jesus unconsciously. It must be a deliberate decision, a personal choice to submit one’ life to Him in order that it can be specifically fashioned after His will for one’s life. Jesus calls to you for such a decision today. He calls you to take the yoke of discipleship, will you?

Let us Pray?