Social Media: Wait, What Do I CCT 356, March 27, 2012
Julie Tyios Journalist to web copywriter to editor to photographer Graphic designer to project manager Online marketing manager to community manager Owner of an online marketing and web design firm Now directing social media and retention at a large social technology startup - Best job ever! Senior Manager of Retention and Social Media, Jugnoo Inc.
Oh, that’s what the kids call it nowadays...
Social Media... What have you done for me lately?
Social Media & Business Connection, Collaboration, and Making Sweet, Sweet Content... and iPads
How does social media fit? Part of an overall communications plan Content and authority (expertise) Great CRM tool for customer service & retention Audience data and feedback Learn more about your customers, build community Engagement - but that’s not all
What are the challenges? Resources - People, time, and money Return on Investment (ROI) - How to quantify? Short-term vs. long-term gains How much resource power to invest? Lack of standards and benchmarks (new industry) Still a school of hard knocks... when do you shut up?
OH... Of Course You Weren’t...
OH... Yes, We All Saw It...
Leading a Campaign Ask yourself: What are you doing, and why? Always have a goal - plan for it! Short-term and long-term goals RAISE/ROPES/ROSIE Listen, observe, respond LEARN and APPLY
Remember: People. Are. Listening.
To Do or Not To Do: Best Practices
Listen to your customers: Good.
Berate your customers: Bad.
Enable your customers: Really Good.
You may have fans and not even realize it... If you don’t take care of something, they might.
Social media doesn’t just sell airfare like that.
You might recognize these...
The Get Hired School of People who Know How to Market Good and Do Other Stuff Good Too
Start talking.
To Blog or Not to Blog? Do you have something to say? Can you speak with expertise or authority? What interests you? Can you produce great, original content? (Storify) Would you put your life online? Don’t waste space - have a REASON to blog
Remember: Everything is public. And shared. And archived. (Take the mom litmus test)
Takeaways Get involved in Twitter chats: Get to know: Danny Brown, Scott Stratten, Amber Naslund, April Dunford, Sean Moffitt, Dave Fleet, Mitch Joel Study: Wine Library TV Events: Mesh,, 4SQDay, SMWTO, Podcamp Listen: trey anthony, Coming Out of Your Box, TEDxToronto