EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI-261611 Common Framework for Extracting Information and Metrics from Multiple.


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Presentation transcript:

EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI Common Framework for Extracting Information and Metrics from Multiple Change Trackers Eamonn Kenny, TCD Munich,

EMI INFSO-RI Quality Assurance Policies – definition and monitoring Metrics and KPIs – definition and collection Quality Control – verification and reporting Build/Test Tools and Repositories – selection, maintenance and integration Certification and Integration Testbeds – setup, maintenance and deployment EMI Quality Assurance Activities 29/03/2012TCD2

EMI INFSO-RI Savannah Trackers  Format  Metrics 29/03/2012TCD3 Metrics RT

EMI INFSO-RI Many data sources  many formats – e.g: UNICORE: 2 defect trackers, 2 request trackers, 1 enhancement and 1 regression test tracker (6-in-1 ) Data obtained from multiple organisations must have the same meaning everywhere otherwise metrics are meaningless. Helps the EMI project gather only the important information and leaves organisations the freedom to produce other internally useful information. Why Produce a Common Format? 29/03/2012TCD4

EMI INFSO-RI Request for Change (RfC) lifecycle 29/03/2012TCD5 Open Accept? YES Accepted Fixed Test? Successful? Not Tested Tested Closed Rejected NO YES NO YES

EMI INFSO-RI Validated Common Format (Yr 1) 29/03/2012TCD6 Quality Assurance Other formats dashboard Common Format Dump/Export of RfC Tracker Bug/Feature Trackers Common Format Exported files in Common Format Common formats Tabulated Formats Metric Calculation & Visualisation Per Product Calculations Trend Graphs Automated Validation Manual Validation Automated Validation

EMI INFSO-RI Implemented Framework 29/03/2012TCD7 QA CSV /XSL Dashboard Tabulated Formats Report Generator (Java) Manual Validation Validation Tracker to Product Mappings Policy Quality Control Release Manager Metrics

EMI INFSO-RI Dashboard for Validation/Reports 29/03/2012TCD8

EMI INFSO-RI Add the Static Analysers & Testing 29/03/2012TCD9 Other formats dashboard Common Format Dump/Export of RfC Tracker Bug/Feature Trackers Common Format Exported files in Common Format Common formats Tabulated Formats Metric Calculation & Visualisation Per Product Calculations Trend Graphs Quality Assurance Automated Validation Manual Validation Automated Validation Other formats dashboard Common Format Dump/Export of RfC Tracker Bug/Feature Trackers Common Format Exported files in Common Format Common formats Tabulated Formats Metric Calculation & Visualisation Per Product Calculations Trend Graphs Common Format Dated Builds Results with Static Analysers Multiple Builds Verification & Tests Releases Dashboard Product information XY Bar/Stacked Charts Stacked, Trend Graphs, Distributions Outputs

EMI INFSO-RI /03/2012TCD10 Framework Actors Other formats dashboard Common Format Dump/Export of RfC Tracker Bug/Feature Trackers Common Format Exported files in Common Format Common formats Tabulated Formats Metric Calculation & Visualisation Per Product Calculations Trend Graphs Common Format Dated Builds Results with Static Analysers Multiple Builds Verification & Tests Releases Dashboard Product information XY Bar/Stacked Charts Stacked, Trend Graphs, Distributions Outputs Product Teams QA Tools Product TeamsQA Metrics QA Metrics & Tools QA Metrics QA Policy & Testing + SA1 Release Manager Release Manager, QA, QC

EMI INFSO-RI Using the Chart Generator 29/03/2012TCD11 Java Implementation Chart Configuration Chart Framework Data Provider Chart Generator EMI Mapping Plot Provider Existing Metric Description New Metric Description Existing Abstract Plotting Class New Abstract Plotting Class JAXB Stubs XML Schema Modified XML Schema 1 Add schema changes 2 Clone existing metric 3 Clone existing Plotting method 4 Edit Configuration Details: XY titles, Title, special settings Plot type, etc.

EMI INFSO-RI Sample Results 29/03/2012TCD12

EMI INFSO-RI More time series data to produce trend data for analysis by QC Ongoing maintenance/improvement of the XML, XSD and Chart generator Possible introduction of more defect/feature trackers. Current/Future Work 29/03/2012TCD13

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