ITTF “Re-View” Session, August 11, 2003 Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez ITTF Evaluation for Spectra
2 Eta Distributions
3 Eta Ratio (ITTF/TPT)
4 Pt Distribution
5 Pt Ratio (ITTF/TPT)
6 East & West vs run number
7 Looking at log For some events H No tracks are found on the east H Next event, no tracks are found on the west… H For the same event, numbers are comparable: TPTITTF Good globals H+ East H- East H+ west960 H- west870 Next event has nothing in the west… then maybe again in the east… Has to be a bug!
8 Hit and Data set used: H Hijing b<3 simulations W Usually, absolute value of efficiency is too ideal W … comparisons between current code & From loose to tight cuts H Look at midrapidity (|eta|<0.5) mainly H Accepted MC tracks == 10 MC Hits at least H Reconstructed track cuts: W Fit Points >= 10, no dca cut (3 cm for primaries) W Fit Points >= 24, dca < 1cm
9 Fit Points, Then and Now Cuts: Central Hijing Global dca<1, Fit Pts>=10 Integral normalized to 1
10 What’s the deal? Efficiency vs pT Here, efficiency is: Found & Matched MC Accepted June Review Aug. 6 Production “Loose cut” data set Tuning effort by our Wayne guys!! Note: some CVS glitch probably happened, as I’ve seen better numbers (Andrew).
11 …tighter dca and tighter fit points Cuts like those used in identified spectra papers June ReviewAug. 6 Production
12 Efficiency vs eta, tight cuts Cuts like those used in identified spectra papers Asymmetry, wasn’t there before…
13 Eta efficiency, loose cuts Zbigniew sees the same with loose cuts.
14 What’s happening? Distribution Need to mask sectors properly
15 Efficiency and Bias Again: Current best tune was not used for this production. From Zbigniew, Bias and pulls were better before. Note scale.
16 pt Resolution
17 Curvature and tan( ) pulls.
18 Proper tuning of tracking parameters has led to improvements (Andrew). H Efficiency improved W The best tune was not used for the Hijing Masking of sectors needs to be addressed H No hardcoding of time-stamps (integration into Energy loss calculation needs to be debugged for final tuning of Must have a consistent parameter set for the production that we all use. H Need to finalize and commit BEST parameter set to the library, which gives the performance we always advertised.