Noah Finkelstein & Steven Pollock Department of Physics Valerie Otero School of Education University of Colorado at Boulder The Learning Assistant Recruitment and Preparation Program at Colorado
Participants Astronomy Dick McCray Doug Duncan Nick Schneider John Stocke Fran Bagenal Seth Hornstein Physics Steve Pollock Noah Finklestein Kathy Perkins Mike Dubson Carl Wieman Ed Kinney Carl Rogers Jim Shepard Murray Holland James Nagle Valerie Otero David Webb Derek Briggs MCD Biology Mike Klymkowsky Bill Wood Jennifer Knight Sylvia Fromherz Jia Shi Michelle Smith Nancy Guild Applied Math Jim Curry (Chair) Mary Nelson Adam Norris Ann Dougherty Jim Weiss Susan Hallowell 263 Learning Assistants Chemistry Veronica Bierbaum Margaret Asirvatham Laurie Langdon Robert Parson Tom Pentecost Graduate Students Danielle Harlow Kim Geil Bud Talbot Kara Gray Heidi Iverson Julie Schneider Mariel Desroche Chandra Turpen Mike Ross Ben Spike K-12 Teachers Steve Iona Mike Fuchs Roberta Tanner Debbie Hearty Craig Schneider Provost Phil DiStefano, Dean Lorrie Shepard (Education), Dean Todd Gleeson (A&S) Mathematics Eric Stade Robb Tubbs Laura Moin Vicky Hand Erin Furtak Jeff Frykholm Education John Cumulat Paul Beale Steve Wagner Shijie Zhong
Transform Math and Science Education at CU Boulder More and better prepared future Scientists and Professors More and better prepared K-12 Math and Science Teachers Study the effects of these efforts Large Scale Education Transformation
Professors at our university don’t value teaching There is a lack of respect in departments for K-12 teaching It is not considered a “full blown career” Professors would be angry Professors would say, “You’re wasting your talent” Professors would say, “Don’t do it” Professors would say, “Do it when you retire” K-12 teaching is not on the cutting edge of research Quiz 44 science majors were asked: What would your professors in your major department say if you told them you wanted to be a high school teacher?
Premise: Teacher Preparation Begins in the College of Arts and Sciences 1.Increase the number and quality of mathematics and science K-12 teachers 2. Transform large enrollment courses be collaborative, student-centered, and interactive using Undergraduate Learning Assistants Make up the pool from which we recruit Future Teachers 3. Engage science, math, and education faculty in recruitment and preparation 4. Transform departmental cultures to value research-based teaching as a legitimate activity for selves and for our students 3 STEM Colorado Learning Assistant Program
LA Supported Course Transformation
Content: Weekly planning sessions with science faculty member who is teaching the course (3 to 10) LAs per faculty member) Pedagogy: LAs from all departments take a weekly course in science education theory and practice– led by an Education faculty member and a K 12 Teacher Practice: LAs lead weekly Learning Teams of 6 to 20 student Formative feedback for instructor to use in lecture The Learning Assistant Experience
Applies to be a Learning Assistant Student in transformed STEM course Applies to be a Learning Assistant Student in transformed STEM course Learning Assistant Math and Science Education Course Learning Assistant Math and Science Education Course Noyce Fellow Enrolled in CU- Teach Engaged in STEM Education Research Noyce Fellow Enrolled in CU- Teach Engaged in STEM Education Research Timeline of LA experience K12 Math/Science Teacher Student in mostly traditional courses Semester in LA Program LAs are fully engaged with STEM and Education Faculty Members In Teaching and Research Activities Teaching Experience Learning about Teaching Experience Learning Assistant Begin taking School of Education courses Learning Assistant Begin taking School of Education courses
State of Colorado* ( ) University of Colorado Boulder (LAs not included) ( ) Recruited From LA Program at CU Boulder ( ) Physics/ Astrophysics519 MCD Biology104 Chemistry1401 *At 18 colleges and universities with 10,869 candidates, 385 science majors 1 **Chemistry just became involved in Fall 2006 Many of the LAs report in interviews that they had not seriously considered becoming a teacher until participating as a Learning Assistant Two most frequently stated reasons for making the decision: (1) Recognizing Teaching as a complex endeavor (2) Encouragement and support by participating Science Faculty LA/Noyce Program Impact on Recruitment
226 # of LAs hired since Fall # of LAs who in certification programs 3.5 Average cumulative GPA Fall 2003 Spring faculty (4 departments) 48 faculty (7 departments) 4 courses transformed 30 courses transformed 28 LAs/semester>60 LAs/semester Impacts: 400 stud/yr >7000 students/year Growth of the Program
Practice: K12 Team (a)Their teaching practices (b)Their K-12 student attitudes and beliefs about math/science (c)Retention and attrition rates Compares former LA/Noyce students to teachers who did not have the LA/Noyce Experience in Content Knowledge: DBER Team Studies content knowledge and attitudes of LAs and students enrolled in LA-supported courses Measures the effect of the LA/Noyce Experience on pedagogical knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge: CTL Team The LA-TEST Research Project
9 LA/Noyce Program focuses on recruiting for the Undergraduate program
Impact on Pedagogical Knowledge Briggs, D., Geil, K., Harlow, D., & Talbot, R. M. (2007). Measuring the pedagogical sophistication of math and science teachers using scenario-based items. American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
The LA Program in the Physics Department Tutorials in Introductory Physics (UW) Reconceptualize: Content: Best-researched materials in intro-college physics Pedagogy: LA’s facilitated student/ learner-centered Role of Students: model best practices for future teachers (and grads, faculty)
Classroom: Trad -- Tutorial
Impact on Content Knowledge R. Hake, ”…A six-thousand-student survey…” AJP 66, (‘98) Pollock and Finkelstein “Sustaining Educational Reforms in Into Physics,” Physical Review, 4, (2008) CU - IE & LA’s CU - IE & no LAs post-pre 100-pre =
CU upper division (trad) 1120 BEMA LA’s LA (pre)TA (pre)LA (post) LA2 (post) TA (post) V. Otero, N.D. Finkelstein, S.J. Pollock and R. McCray (2006). Science, 313, 445
Learning gains for LAs and TAs N=31 N=20 (N=200+) LAs leave at incoming TA level!
After completing Jr Level E/M (3310 or 3320) Only students who took Phys 2 (1120) without Tutorials Longitudinal Effects on Content Knowledge Pollock, S. (2007)
Red bins: students who had taken Freshman physics (1120) with Tutorials (~2 years prior) Longitudinal Effects on Content Knowledge Pollock, S. (2007)
Beige: Beige: Beige: students who had been 1120 LAs Longitudinal Effects on Content Knowledge Pollock, S. (2007)
3.1 ± ± ± ±.3 Ave course grade Longitudinal Effects on GRADE
CLASS shifts (post-pre) CU Partly trad CU Reformed (some attention to A&B)
Additional Roles of LAs Other LA-transformed courses in physics: sound and music (general) physics of every day life (general) modern physics for engineers (sophomore) intro to quantum mechanics (sophomore) Electricity and Magnetism (junior year) University - Community Partnerships: (PISEC) I Have a Dream (Summer Camp) Lafayette Elementary School Casa de la Esperansa (afterschool and summer) Boulder Charter High (school) Town and Country Village HUD Center (afterschool and summer) Research and Transformation Projects: NSF: DUE CCLI, Using a Research-based Approach to Reform Upper-division Quantum I and E&M I, Presentations on work at: AAPT, APS, NSBP/NSHP, PTEC meetings
Klymkowsky, M. W., Gheen, R.,* & Garvin-Doxas, K. (2007). Avoiding reflex responses: Strategies for revealing students' conceptual understanding in biology. In L. McCullough, J. Hsu & P. Heron, (Eds.), 2007 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings. Melville, NY: AIP Press, 3-6. Otero, V., Jalovec, S.,* & Her Many Horses, I.* (2006, July). Evolution of Students’ model-building practices in an inquiry-based physics course. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Syracuse, NY. Spooner, K.,* Geist, A.,* Curry, J., Dougherty, A., & Nelson, M. (2007, January). Learning Assistant research in the Applied Mathematics department, Boulder, Colorado. Paper presented at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Nelson, M. A., Geist, A.,* & Venturo, A.* (2008, January). Noyce Fellows and Learning Assistants at CU, Boulder. Presented at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, CA. McKagan, S. B., Handley, W.,* Perkins, K. K., & Wieman, C. E. (submitted). A research-based curriculum for teaching the photoelectric effect, American Journal of Physics. Otero, V. & Lyman, V. (2008, July). Expanding Identities: From Science Major to Science Teacher. Presented at the bi-annual meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Edmonton, Canada, July Noyce Fellows Present and Publish their Research
Summary Teacher Recruitment and Preparation Undergraduate Course Transformation Learning Assistant Assistant Model Model Math Faculty Science Faculty Education Faculty RESEARCH Noyce Fellows
The Bottom Line: LA Program Cost and Benefit Students impacted each year >7000 Cost per impacted student $39.00 Additional cost for recruiting ~10 new teachers per year FREE