Preparing Future Teachers to Teach Earth Science Cathy Manduca, Carleton College Website Team : Heather Rissler, Jennifer Anderson, Char Bezanson, Dean Moosavi John McDaris Cathy Manduca, Carleton College Website Team : Heather Rissler, Jennifer Anderson, Char Bezanson, Dean Moosavi John McDaris
Excellent work in 5 places Universities offering regional programs for teacher preparation and professional development Scientific research programs with regional and national offerings specific to their science Museums serving teachers and students with programming related to their exhibits Curriculum development projects with related professional development Research and implementation projects from the education community often without Earth Science Universities offering regional programs for teacher preparation and professional development Scientific research programs with regional and national offerings specific to their science Museums serving teachers and students with programming related to their exhibits Curriculum development projects with related professional development Research and implementation projects from the education community often without Earth Science
Think Globally Act Locally We lack the big picture
The problem is bigger than Geoscience alone can solve Education and Geoscience STEM wide approaches Education and Geoscience STEM wide approaches
$3M per year is not very much for a problem of this scale Coherence Scalability/Sustainability Evaluation Coherence Scalability/Sustainability Evaluation
A Well Informed Community with Mechanisms for Sharing and Collaboration is Needed
Summary Context Goals Content Teaching Materials Assessment References and Notes Summary Context Goals Content Teaching Materials Assessment References and Notes
What role does this course play in teacher preparation? How does the Course Address Each Role? How do Students Integrate Learning & Teaching? How does the Course Transition Pre-service Teachers into the Classroom? How is the Course Content Aligned with the National Science Education Standards? How does the Course Meet Certification Requirements? What Challenges have been Encountered in Teaching this Course? How have they been Resolved? What role does this course play in teacher preparation? How does the Course Address Each Role? How do Students Integrate Learning & Teaching? How does the Course Transition Pre-service Teachers into the Classroom? How is the Course Content Aligned with the National Science Education Standards? How does the Course Meet Certification Requirements? What Challenges have been Encountered in Teaching this Course? How have they been Resolved?
What was the impetus for the program? What are the primary goals of the program? How is the program structured? Who is involved? How is the program maintained and funded? References and Notes: What was the impetus for the program? What are the primary goals of the program? How is the program structured? Who is involved? How is the program maintained and funded? References and Notes:
To suggest that your work be profiled