Welcome to Computer Class Mr. Johnson
Unified Arts Schedule 8 th Grade – 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm 7 th Grade – 7:20 pm – 7:35 pm 6 th Grade – 8:00 pm – 8:15 pm 5 th Grade – 8:20 pm – 8:35pm
Education B.S. in Computer Information Science, Minor in Psychology Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley, PA December 2002 Post Baccalaureate Certification: Elementary Education K – 6 West Chester University, West Chester, PA May 2007 M.Ed Applied Studies in Teaching and Learning West Chester University, West Chester, Pa May 2011 Ed.D in Instructional Technology Widener University, Chester, PA Anticipated Graduation 2016 Additional Certifications: Bus-Info-Comp K-12 certification, Middle School Math (7-9), & Middle School Citizenship Ed. (7-9) Teaching Experience: Saint Gabriel ’ s Hall: 2004 – 2007 Substitute Teacher Conshohocken Catholic : Computer Teacher Great Valley MS : Computer Teacher Upper Merion MS: to present Computer Teacher About Me Extra Information My wife is a 6 th grade Language Arts teacher at the Upper Merion Area Middle School. I have a 2 year old daughter, Claire. Member of Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA )(National) and CSTA Philly (Local Chapter)
Curriculum Topics by Grade 5 th Grade 6th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade
Classroom Management Grade 5 Meet for 30 class days Meet 2 or 3 times a week. Depends on the “day” Meet 2x on the day we have class, A.M. and P.M. Curriculum follows that CSTA standards (linked with STEM, Common Core and State Standards) Curriculum Topics Covered Touch typing: keyboarding instruction software, games, and activities Productivity software Introduction: Schoology, Apple and Google products Internet safety: web quests, group work, and presentations Computational thinking and programming: Scratch, Pyonkee, and Code.org How to use the iPad properly
Classroom Management Grade 6 Meet for 30 class days Meet 2 or 3 times a week. Depends on the “day” Code.org: Course 2 – Plugged and Unplugged Activities ISTE Standards, CSTA Computer Science Standards, NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, Common Core Math, Common Core Language Arts Standards Curriculum Topics Covered Code.Org (Course 2) Programming (plugged and unplugged) Algorithms and Sequence BinaryLoops and Nested Loops Relay ProgrammingDebugging ConditionalsDigital Footprint
Classroom Management Grade 7 Meet for 30 class days Meet 2 or 3 times a week. Depends on the “day” Code.org: Course 3 – Plugged and Unplugged Activities ISTE Standards, CSTA Computer Science Standards, NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, Common Core Math, Common Core Language Arts Standards Curriculum Topics Covered Code.Org (Course 3) Computational ThinkingProgramming FunctionsConditionals Nested LoopsDebugging The Internet and Crowdsourcing Digital Citizenship
Classroom Management Grade 8 Meet for 30 class days Meet 2 or 3 times a week. Depends on the “day” Code.org: Computer Science for Algebra ISTE Standards, CSTA Computer Science Standards, NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, Common Core Math, Common Core Language Arts Standards Curriculum Topics Covered Code.Org (Computer Science for Algebra) Coordinate PlanesArithmetic Expressions Strings and ImagesContracts, Domains and Range Variables and SubstitutionFunctions Boolean LogicConditionals Collision DetectionPythagorean Theorem
Classroom Management Contract
Website/Wiki-Space Webpage Schoology
Thank You