1 CD-2 ECP Preparations What is Needed
2 Background As part of the CD-2 process, we need to establish a fully supported and documented cost and schedule baseline Starting point is the PDR baseline, including the detailed cost and schedule backup details you each provided We have made tops-down estimates of each with some input from you, but now we need the details!
3 Items Impacting Change in Baseline PDR Recommendations PBR Recommendations EIR Recommendations Discussions with OFES on what scope should be included In several instances scope that was removed from PDR baseline re-instated
4 Changes to WBS 12 Evaluate impact of 350°C bakeout (special study – already in FY2004 WAFs) Include 350°C bakeout Other miscellaneous changes Redesign of port extensions and use of skip welds Re-evaluate viability of manual welding Evaluate best method to minimize vacuum leaks
5 Changes to WBS 14 Conduct additional R&D program Cold test all 18 modular coils Install 2 nd winding line Other miscellaneous changes Re-evaluate access through VV – more design and analysis Re-assess tolerance budgets for assembly Re-evaluate bolting of modular coil flanges Re-evaluate properties of conductor without lubricant
6 Changes to WBS 16 Re-evaluate scope of WBS 16 – especially scope of auxiliary utility lines Other miscellaneous changes More design and analysis need for LN2 system Re-evaluate coil service runs in close confines of cryostat
7 Changes to WBS 18 Add additional time and effort for pre- assembly operations Add full-size mockup to plan
8 Changes to WBS 75 Re-evaluate time needed for final alignment of field periods Reinstate power testing and e-beam mapping Reinstate full cryostat installation, testing, and cooldown Reinstate cold power testing prior to first plasma
9 Other Changes (Do Not Require Your Input) Schedule stretch as result of funding constraints and new scope Escalation due to re-sequencing of tasks – BUT WE DO NEED YOUR APPROVAL OF WHAT WAS DONE! WBS 12-18, 21, 22, 25, 31, 36, 38, 41-45,51-57, 61-64, 74, 75 Review resource-loaded schedule Thin black line is the PDR baseline Thick blue line is the re-sequenced task (estimate NOT changed) You can discuss any necessary changes with Ron
10 What is Needed by this Friday New detailed cost estimate backup that incorporates these changes PDR spreadsheets provided to each of you Resubmit as new file: YYMMDD_CostBackup_121_PLG We will call you to discuss if we have questions