Developing Leaders and Making an Impact
Embracing the future
3 The main aim of today’s session is to..
Sir Michael Wilshaw The importance of middle leadership Analysis of Ofsted inspection results suggests that the overall performance of a school almost never exceeds the quality of its leadership and management. When judging leadership at your school, my team will primarily focus on how effectively leadership at all levels promotes improved teaching and learning.
Framework for school inspection Inspectors will consider the extent to which leaders and managers: Improve the school and develop its capacity for sustained improvement by developing high quality teaching, leadership capacity and high professional standards among staff. Ensure that all teaching staff benefit from appropriate professional development and that performance is rigorously managed.
Professional Development With professional development Ofsted will: Look at how it links to school self evaluation. Analyse its impact on teaching and specific teachers and scrutinise the school’s evaluation of professional development.
Performance Management Ofsted will consider the robustness of performance management and effectiveness of strategies for improving teaching, including the extent to which the school takes account of the teacher standards This includes: How the quality of teaching and learning is monitored. How underperformance is tackled. The link between performance and salary progression.
The Journey So Far …… To develop Middle Leaders at our respective schools we used a range of strategies. Read the ‘strategies used cards’ and then rank them in order of importance using the diamond 9 template. Some of the cards in your pack are blank. Feel free to add some of the strategies that you use in your school to the diamond 9 template
Senior leaders, faculty heads and year leaders work with a common purpose, showing absolute determination to tackle barriers to students’ academic progress and personal development….. Senior leaders have an accurate view of the quality of teaching and are working jointly with middle leaders so that they can take a stronger lead in improving the quality of teaching in their area…… School leaders play an important role in improving teaching and making sure that no student is left behind….. Senior leaders have a strong focus on improvement, and middle leaders have been empowered to develop their roles as leaders of their area…..
Impact Cohort 1 (old MLDP): 95% of participants gained a promotion Cohort 2 (old MLDP): 75% gained promotion (only finished last month)
Your school?