САБАҚТЫҢ ТАҚЫРЫБЫ: "KEEP WARM " " 6 " grade Mesheleva B.K.
Aims: to introduce pupils with the new theme using the new methods; to train pupils to speak correctly; to develop pupils speaking, reading and writing skills.
A happy children
A tired children
An ill children
Awaking stage
Should Shouldn’t Keep warm Eat ice cream Eat vitamins Drink cold water Dress warm clothes Dress light clothes Drink warm water Play more Drink hot tea Drink milk
Realization of meaning шаршаған – tired aшулы - angry бақытты, қуанышты - happy беймаза -worried cуық - cold aуру -ill бақытсыз, көңілсіз -unhappy көңілсіз- bored
Make up sentences When I’m happy When I’m cold, When I’m tired, When I’m unhappy, When I’m ill, When I’m worried,
Fill in the gaps
A tube of toothpaste
A рacket of milk
А can of juice
А jar of oil
A glass of water
A package of tissues
Read Asel`s diary on p.83
True or False statements 1. It was Thursday 2. She felt fine all day 3. She slept 8 hours 4. She feels better today 5. She reads a newspaper 6. She was hot then cold
Semantic map A headache Drink warm liquids A cough Take tablets to bring down temperature A fever Drink hot tea with honey The flu Take some aspirin
Good bye !!!