WORLD HISTORY II Unit I Review Use the maps that follow to make sure that you have a basic grasp of world geography.
World II – Basic Geography Goal 2a, 2c, 2d &2e
What civilization is this? Japan
What civilization is this? China
What civilization is this? India
What peninsula is this? Arabian
What sea is this? Mediterranean
What ocean is this? Indian
What sea is this? Black
What continent is this? Europe
What continent is this? Asia
What continent is this? Africa
What civilization is this? Egypt
What river is this? Nile
What civilization is this? Songhai
What civilization is this? Rome
What civilization is this? Greece
What religion dominates this area? Islam
What religion dominates this area? Hinduism
What religion dominates the continent of Europe? Christianity
What religion is found in Israel and parts of Europe? Judaism
Geography of Major Empires
Geography of MAJOR EMPIRES in 1500
This is a map of the entire world…
Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere
What country/empire is this? England
What country/empire is this? France
What country/empire is this? Spain
What country/empire is this? Russia Russia is this vast area in the northern part of Asia
What country/empire is this? Ottoman Empire
What country/empire is this? Persia
What country/empire is this? China
What country/empire is this? Mughal India
What country/empire is this? Songhai Empire
Western Hemisphere
What empire is this? INCA
What empire is this? AZTEC
World Trade Follow the patterns of each of the world trade routes.
World Trade Routes – The Silk Road
World Trade Routes – Maritime Across Indian Ocean
World Trade Routes – Trans-Saharan
World Trade Routes – Northern European links to Black Sea
World Trade Routes – Western European Sea & River Trade
World Trade Routes – South China Sea & lands of Southeast Asia
What is the name of this building and in what empire is it found? TAJ MAHAL – MUGHAL EMPIRE
5 Major World Religions Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism
Which was the first religion to preach monotheism? Judaism
Which religion teaches that Jesus is the “Son of God?” Christianity
Which religion follows the prophet Mohammed? Islam
What are the five pillars of Islam? Alms Faith Pilgrimage Prayer Fasting
Which religion teaches the concepts of Karma & Reincarnation? Hinduism
Who is the founder of Buddhism? Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha)
What is the name of the holy book of Islam? The Qur’an (Koran)
Which religion teaches the 4 Noble Truths? Buddhism
Which religion was spread by missionaries sent out by a leader named Asoka? Buddhism
Which religion believes in many forms of one god? Hinduism
Which religion teaches people to follow the 8 Fold Path to enlightenment? Buddhism
Which religion claims Mecca and Medina as holy cities? Islam
What is the name given to a follower of Islam? Muslim
In what book do Christians find the life and teachings of Jesus? The New Testament
The New Testament and Christian doctrines were established by these groups: Church Councils
What are the three monotheistic religions of the world? Judaism, Christianity & Islam