Smoky Row Elementary Pre-Registration Kindergarten Information February 29, 2016
Introducing… Mrs. Kim Barrett– Principal Mrs. Amy Satkoski-Assistant Principal Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott– Student Services Coordinator Mrs. Decina Paul- Nurse Mrs. Tessa Kopnisky– Secretary Mrs. Marcy Kaopuiki– Secretary Mrs. Aimee Durm-Secretary
Today’s Purpose: What will Kindergarten be like for my child?
Is My Child Eligible for Kindergarten? Kindergarten students must be 5 by August 1 according to Indiana law. The Carmel Clay Schools appeal process automatically grants eligibility for early entrance to kindergarten to any child who will be five (5) years of age by September 1st of the enrolling year as verified by an official birth certificate.
Highlights of Smoky Row Highly Qualified Staff Full Time Counselor and Nurse, Special Services Staff (Resource Teachers, OT, PT, SLP) Full Day Kindergarten Response to Intervention (RtI) Advanced Math and Challenge Program Focus on Literacy Across the Curriculum and Higher Order Thinking Extended School Enrichment (ESE) Diverse Student Population Strong School Community: Rockets Rule!
Kindergarten Information Things to Know and Do for Parents
Daily Schedule TimeSubject 8:05-8:10Arrival 8:10-10:15Language Arts 10:15-10:45Lunch 10:45-11:20 Language Arts 11:20-12:10Specials 12:10-1:20Math 1:20-1:35Recess 1:35-2:25Science/Social Studies 2:25-2:35Pack Up/Dismissal
Kindergarten Screening As a district, we pre-screen all incoming kindergarten students to help with class placement. You will sign up for a time online. The link to the online sign-up will come via to all registered parents. The screening time for your child should last approximately 15 minutes. The dates for this spring’s Kindergarten Screening are May 11 or 12.
What Can I Work On With My Incoming Kindergarten Student Now? Recognizing and writing name Reciting the alphabet Identifying upper and lowercase letters at random Identifying numbers 0-10 Tying shoes, zipping jackets, and other independent self-help skills Following simple one- and two-step directions Read to your child often and talk about books
What Can I Expect My Student To Work On In August? Classroom procedures Shapes Rhyming Beginning sounds Letter names and sounds Classmates’ names
Cafeteria 3 week rotational lunch menu that can be found onlineonline allows electronic deposit and monitoring of your child’s lunch account Please put all money (lunch or otherwise) in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, account number, and teacher’s name. (We prefer deposits made online.)
Nurse News Any health concerns, allergies or medications, please plan on meeting with Mrs. Paul early in the school year. Please make your physician appointments now. Once summer hits many new students need their vaccination reports completed all at once! Shot records are due by August 1 st. Health information + immunization requirements for each grade level can be found on Carmel Clay School’s web site at Click on” Current Families & Students” Click on “Preparing to Enroll” Click on “Student Health Guidelines”
Nurse News Online health information must be updated yearly, including permission for Benadryl for a bee sting and Tylenol or Advil for pain/ fever. Elementary parents will usually be contacted prior to your child receiving the above named medications. ALL Allergy Action Plans and Asthma Action Plans must be given to the school nurse with the proper medications prior to the first day of school. Please no exceptions!!
Student Services Coordinator: Mrs. Elliott What is a Student Services Coordinator? In the elementary school, my position is very similar to that of a guidance counselor. I work with children, families and teachers to ensure that students are successful at school from a social and emotional standpoint. How will the SSC interact with my kindergartener? I work with the kindergarten teachers to incorporate weekly social skills and friendship lessons into afternoon centers in order to meet and familiarize myself with all the kindergarten students. I will continue to work with all students throughout their elementary years. I serve as an advocate for all children and help to transition students smoothly from grade to grade.
A Virtual Tour
A Kdg Classroom
Our Front Office
The Music Room
The Art Room
Our Computer Lab
The Media Center
Our Cafeteria
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: What kind of adult support is in the kindergarten classroom? A: Each classroom has a full time teacher and a full time assistant. Q: How big is a typical class? A: Classes range in size, and generally average students. Q: What about transportation? A: Most students ride the bus. You will be able to get bus information through our online system, myCCS, right before school starts.
FAQ Continued Q : Is there any kind of before/after school care offered? A: The Carmel Clay Parks Department offers the Extended School Enrichment (ESE) program. See the website or stop by the table set up at the front of the building this evening or on Back to School Night. Q: What do I do if my child is sick? A: Please call our attendance line by 8:30 a.m. at the latest to report your child absent. Q: Can parents volunteer? A: Kindergarten classrooms love parent help! All classrooms have a liasion who coordinates volunteers. All volunteers must have a criminal background check prior to volunteering.
Mark Your Calendars… On-line Registration: By March 11 th or ASAP Kindergarten Screening: May 11 and 12 Kindergarten Orientation: August 4, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social: August 8, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Back to School Night: (Parents Only) TBD
Registration All registration is done online All registrations should be completed by March 11 th if possible. You will need: Birth certificate/passport 2 proofs of residency: Utility statement (electric/gas) Rental/purchase agreement or closing documents, deed Immunization records, if possible; Must be submitted by August 1, 2016.
Visit our website at and click on Registration.
Follow these prompts to register your incoming kindergartner online.
Online Registration Packet Create a Family Account
Registering a New Student Click on New Student
Add Student Use your child’s full LEGAL name. Ensure you select the correct school AND school year. Click the Add Student button when finished.
Go to Enrollment Your child will now appear under the Household List on the right. Click the Go to Enrollment button below.
Forms to Complete This summary screen shows all of the forms that need to be completed. Click the Next button at the bottom to begin. If you cannot complete all of the forms in one sitting, you can pick up where you left off when you log back in at a later date. This summary screen will indicate which forms are incomplete.
Uploading Files If you have the requested documents in digital format, click the Browse button to upload those documents to your form where applicable. Click Next.
Contact Information Kim Barrett, Principal Amy Satkoski, Assistant Principal Smoky Row Elementary, (317)