Welcome to the Adult Transition Program Parent Informational Packet
Rochester Community Schools Post-Secondary Program Wings Parent Informational Packet Transition STAFF & PROGRAM SUPPORT Sandy Turner, Principal Jennifer Lamar, Teacher Consultant Katie Cloos, Teacher Peggy Dona, Teacher Stephanie Smith, Teacher Julie Mielnicki, Teacher Jennifer Anderson, Speech and Language, Sabrina Krolicki, Social Worker, Margie Maher, Psychologist, Cheryl Guy, Physical Therapist, Kristin Newer, Occupational Therapist, IMPORTANT PARENT INFORMATION Program Locations/Hours The Transition program has 2 locations. We are located within Adams High School 3200 W.Teinken Rd. Rochester Hills, MI and in the Administration Center 501 W. University Dr. Rochester, MI Our day starts at 8:37 am and ends at 3:00pm. A half day is dismissed at 11:47 a.m. As we follow the secondary district calendar for ½ days and days off, we will also be following the secondary district calendar for Professional Development Days. Late Arrivals/Early Leaves We understand that some mornings are more difficult than others, and it is not always possible for students to be on time to school. If this happens, you will need to sign your student in at the Security Desk at Adams High School. Please remember that we leave the building at approximately 9:30 am if we are going out in the community. We will always try to make arrangements for your student to meet up with their group in the community if they are late. There is never a guarantee that there will be someone in the building to stay with your student. Please, do not just drop off your student and assume that someone is in the room. If you call the room, and you get the answering machine, call the main office at and Sarah Matouka will know how to get in contact with us. Of course it is always best to call before 9:30 if you are able to do so. This also holds true for students who need to leave early. If your students leave early, they will also need to be signed out and does require you coming into the building.
IMPORTANT PARENT INFORMATION CONTINUED… LUNCH The students can bring a sack lunch from home, they may cook/prepare their own lunches, or they may buy a school lunch. The cost of a school lunch is $3.05. Your student may also fill out a Free/Reduced Lunch Form. This is located on the school webpage, It is located under District Info and then under Food Services. We will be sending home the packet the first week of school if you do not want to get it off the website. If your student is participating in cooking/preparing their lunches, this will begin the third week of school. We have 1 full kitchen and 1 kitchenette that the students will have access to weekly. It will be notated on your student’s schedule as to which days they may cook their lunches. The other “non- cooking days” they will either need to bring a sack lunch or get a school lunch from the cafeteria. If your student is attending our Adult Transition Program that is located in the Administration Building, they will need to bring a lunch as there isn’t a cafeteria available to these students. CLASSROOM ACCOUNTS (OPTIONAL) Students have the option to keep a “Wings Bank Account.” This is maintained in the classroom. If you choose this route, please send in cash. We will assist your student in keeping this balanced and will send home a weekly balance on Friday along with your student’s weekly schedule. STUDENT PLANNERS AND SCHEDULES Each student will have a weekly planner at Wings. We will make these the first week of school based on each student’s individual needs. This weekly planner will allow you to see what we are doing each day. Please keep an eye on your student’s schedule. Students will do a schedule every Friday for the following week.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION *These activities and more may occur daily, weekly, and/or monthly.* Unique Learning Systems (ULS)-A standard-based curriculum program designed specifically for students with disabilities. The main goal of the transition curriculum is to create a realistic atmosphere of skill learning that will be needed when exiting the school setting, entering the work setting and living with optimal independence. Intended for students who are beyond the 12th grade year or who have met high school requirements, the Unique Learning System Transition Program offers programming options and materials to support educators who are addressing transition training for older students. Domestic skills are allowing our students to learn important skills such as: laundry, properly folding clothes, ironing, sewing, sorting and matching. Homeroom means that your student is in their caseload teacher’s classroom. During homeroom, calendar skills, clock skills, money skills, and community safety skills are taking place. Grocery Shopping is allowing our students to go to a grocery store in Rochester and choosing items that they would like to have and prepare for lunch during the week. The students are working on following a shopping list (which the students prepare before they go shopping), locating the items on their shopping list, and paying for their purchases. Lunch allows our students the opportunity to prepare their own lunch. Students prepare this meal based on individual preferences and ability. Some students prepare a microwave meal, others make their own sandwiches. This is a really nice way for us to tie in their weekly grocery shopping experience. Cooking includes looking at expiration dates and determining what goes in the refrigerator vs. the freezer vs the cabinet. We are also teaching the students to read the words that go along with their cooking activities. Crafts is allowing our students to show and discover their creativity, and it has also turned into a money making venture for us. The students are making items that are being sold in the community: such as: lanyards for ID badges. The money generated will go directly to benefit the students. We will keep you updated with future projects. The students are also able to go to the craft store and pick out their own craft project; which allows them to explore various crafts that they might enjoy. Volunteering is giving us the opportunity to “give back” to the community. We do many projects for Disability Awareness, Parent Advisory Committee, etc. This activity takes place in the building and is offering the students the opportunity to learn job related skills. Physical Fitness is currently taking place in the building with various exercise videos or in the community by going to the park and playing either kickball/baseball or power -walking around the block. Once the weather gets to cold for us too exercise outside we will offer the opportunity for your student to attend an exercise class at the Rochester Athletic Club weekly. Student Free Choice Activity takes place three times a month on Friday afternoons. This is the student’s time to decide where they want to go, what they want to do, and who they want to go with…this is generally a community activity. My Chance to Dance takes place with our fabulous Physical Therapist – Cheryl Guy! The students are learning dance moves while exercising. This also takes place once a month in the Harrison Room. End of the Day Jobs allows each student to have a responsibility for having a job at the end of the day that keeps our room nice, clean, and ready for the next day. The students are learning to dust, straighten up shelves, cleaning mirrors, erasing the white board, closing the blinds, cleaning the kitchen, etc. Phone skills allows our students the opportunity to have a day of the week assigned to them in which they are responsible for answering the phone. Not only are the students learning to properly answer the phone, they are also learning to take messages. They are all doing a great job and we are very proud of them. “Social Communication Group” with Jennifer and Sabrina allows our students to meet and work on Social Communication Skills with our Speech and Language Pathologist and our Social Worker. The students meet on a weekly basis, usually on Wednesday.