E MPLOYEE R IGHTS & D ISCIPLINE MGT 3513 Introduction to Human Resource Management Please remember to turn off and put away cell phones.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Let’s make sure we are all on the same page! Review grading policy Discuss final
R EVIEW OF G RADING P OLICY ( FROM SYLLABUS ) How will I be graded in MGT 3513? Final grades are based on your individual performance rather than effort, personality, potential, or need. No student’s final grade will be increased for any reason other than calculation error. In other words, if you are 1 point away from earning an A, you will earn a B; you will not be “bumped up.” Final grades are based upon the amount of points you earn during the course and will be determined using the scale in the syllabus.
W HY WON ’ T DR. MARLER GIVE ME A HIGHER GRADE AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER ? Procedural justice = fair process my way of “helping” you earn a higher grade = fair to everyone (I don’t pick and choose) 20 points for class participation I value your effort. However, as we know, effort does not always translate into performance. These points are my way of rewarding your effort. Extra points – offer to ALL students Ch 5 – Personality Test Career Days Career Center Assignment
W HY WON ’ T DR. MARLER GIVE ME A HIGHER GRADE AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER ? Procedural justice Optional final – What’s better than a few extra points??? A do-over for an exam!!! This is the best way I can “help” each of you EARN a higher grade. I feel good about giving you this opportunity. I could never feel good about arbitrarily increasing a grade for reasons such as I’m graduating I’m just a point away Etc.
R EVIEW OF G RADING P OLICY Course Activities 4 Exams (100 points each) 400 Class participation 20 Total possible points 420
F INAL EXAM Final exam: Is optional Can be taken even if you took all 4 exams. Will replace your lowest* or missing grade. Is cumulative (50 questions over topics we’ve covered this semester). You will not be forced to take the grade if it is lower than your other 4 exam grades.
E XAM R EVIEW Attendance Optional Come with questions I do not prepare a formal review; rather, I answer any student questions. For example, I often reteach part of the lecture on “hits” and “misses”
Y OUR JOB : Re-evaluate your goals for all course grades Plan/ study accordingly Please review your grades on MISWEB this week. Let me know ASAP if you believe there are any mistakes in your posted grades so that we can resolve them BEFORE the final.
E MPLOYEE R IGHTS A right ________________________________ Statutory rights vs. contractual rights ________________________ Common contract prohibition ________________________
E MPLOYEE R IGHTS Examples of employees rights Leave of absence Injuries and illness rights Employee pension/benefits rights Whistle-blowing rights Workers compensation rights
E MPLOYEE R IGHTS Employers should demonstrate that an employee was fired for “Just cause” And that due process was demonstrated
E MPLOYEE R IGHTS Wrongful discharge _______________________________ Constructive discharge _____________________________________ Retaliatory discharge _____________________________________
E XAMPLE Mary works as a lifeguard at a golf course. Over a period of time, she is harassed by another employee. Mary is not aware of any policies that her company has prohibiting harassment in the workplace, so she tries to do her job as best she can avoiding her coworker. However, the harassment finally becomes so severe that Mary quits. What term would we use to describe Mary’s situation?
E XAMPLE Elaine, who works in a manufacturing setting, reports her company for an OSHA violation. When OSHA investigates the complaint, Elaine is interviewed and asked to provide additional details. After the investigation, OSHA imposes several high dollar fines on the company. The company dismissed Elaine following the incident. They don’t provide her with any reason for dismissal, so she assumes that the reason is related to the fact that she contacted OSHA. What term would we use to describe Elaine’s situation?
E XAMPLE Patrick has worked for the same company for over 25 years. His company decides to offer an early retirement incentive. Patrick, who is not ready to retire, decides NOT to take the early retirement package. However, his company is ready to get him off the payroll because of his high salary. Patrick’s manager suggests that Patrick may be fired if he does not take the early retirement. As a result, Patrick does agree to the early retirement. What term would we use to describe Patrick’s situation?
E MPLOYEE R IGHTS Employees are limited in their right to _______________ in the workplace Privacy Act of 1974 Employees are also limited in their right to _______________ in the workplace
M ANAGEMENT R IGHTS What are management rights? Employment at will The two exceptions to employment at will _______________________
W HISTLE -B LOWING What is whistle-blowing? _______________ sector employees generally have greater protection for whistle-blowing than ________________ sector employees
E MPLOYEE D ISCIPLINE Progressive discipline Positive discipline discipline discipline
E MPLOYEE D ISCIPLINE : P ROGRESSIVE D ISCIPLINE What is the primary benefit of progressive discipline? _______________________________________ How is progressive discipline relevant to unemployment claims? _______________________________________ Downside of progressive discipline _______________________________________
P RACTICAL T IPS - - E MPLOYEE D ISCIPLINE Hot stove rule Three basic standards for administering discipline 1. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ __________________________________________
HRM AND D ISCIPLINE Ideally, if HRM is done properly in the following areas… Recruitment and Selection Training and Development Human Resource Planning Performance Appraisal Compensation …there will be less of a need for disciplinary actions.