9/16 Focus: 9/16 Focus: – Great Britain’s 13 colonies in North America, inspired by Enlightenment ideas, declared their independence in 1776. Do Now: Do.


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Presentation transcript:

9/16 Focus: 9/16 Focus: – Great Britain’s 13 colonies in North America, inspired by Enlightenment ideas, declared their independence in Do Now: Do Now: – What was an enlightened despot?

Inspired British colonists to oppose British policies in the 13 colonies – Locke – Montesquieu – Rousseau – Voltaire

Pamphlet urging colonists to break away from British monarchy – Used reason and natural law to make case – Influenced by Enlightenment ideas about limited government

Written by Thomas Jefferson Enlightenment ideas – Governments only rule with the consent of the people – Governments should protect the “unalienable” rights of the people – People have a right to overthrow governments that don’t protect these rights

Document that established the government of the United States in 1787 Influences from Rousseau's Social Contract – “We the People”

Separation of Powers and Checks and balances – Created a republic with powers divided between federal government and states – Divided federal powers between three branches of gov’t Legislative Executive Judicial – Influence from Montesquieu

Bill of Rights protects the basic rights of American citizens – First 10 amendments to the Constitution 27 amendments – Protect rights such as freedom of Speech and religion – Influences from Voltaire and Locke

Impact of the American Revolution Symbol of Freedom Constitution model for new gov’ts Inspired other Revolutions French Revolution Latin American Revolutions

Revolution breaks out in France in 1789 – Many injustices existed in France before the Revolution

Causes of the French Revolution Absolute Monarchy Enlightenment Ideas Economic Problems Social Inequalities Inspiration from the American Revolution

Identify one document from British history that influenced the American colonists in their struggle for independence. Identify one enlightenment idea that inspired the American Revolution and the founders of the United States of America.