Chapter 39
Questions Why was Tom Sawyer so intent on complicating Jim's escape? Why did Tom create a false story about him being in a tribe of Indians? What took Aunt Sally so long to to send Jim off to the authorities? Why do you think that Tom thought that his alias as an Indian would be trusted? Why did Tom insist that Jim should keep a journal, although he couldn't read?
Acting in a Way to Earn Honor An example of acting in a way to earn honor is how Tom is complicating Jim's escape. He wants to make his escape as elaborate as possible so that he will gain prestige as a famous criminal, like the books he reads.
Civilization vs Natural Life An example of civilization versus natural life is when Jim befriended the snakes, rats, and spiders that are in his hut, also how Jim kept a journal using symbols, blood, and a shirt.
Highlights Tom Sawyer caused panic in the family by making a fake Indian tribe and releasing animals into the house. An issue is that Jim's escape was prolonged by weeks because of Tom's hunger for recognition. A hyperbole was used by Huck to show his dislike for sawdust, saying " It was the most undigestible sawdust I ever see." Tom uses onomatopoeia in his letter to the family to signify the noises that they should look out for.
Chapter 40
Questions Why was the butter so important to Tom? Why did Aunt Sally act so critically upon seeing Huck? How do you think the breakout would have ended if Tom had went with Huck's idea? Why didn't Tom want the bullet taken out of his leg? Why do you think Jim believes he is no longer a runaway slave?
Money A theme of money is used when Tom Sawyer insists that Huck bribe the doctor to secrecy.
Acting in a Way to Earn Honor An example of acting in a way to earn honor is when Tom Sawyer thinks of the bullet in his leg as a trophy.
Highlights A highlight is when Tom and Huck successfully free Jim from from his prison An issue of the chapter is when Tom gets shot in the leg. Mark Twain uses imagery in the sitting room to show the worry of the far amen in the room. Huck uses the metaphor "thundering hornet's nest" to represent the situation they had gotten into.