Suwannee River Area Council Camp Card Kickoff
2 Camp Card…..only $5.00!!!!
Introducing the Camp Card The Camp Card Sale is to allow units to raise funds to pay for their Scouting Camping programs. Units participating in this program will earn 50% commission for each $5 camp card sold!! That is $2.50 per card sold!! The sale begins today…Thursday, March 1, 2012 and ends May 4, Our goal is to have ALL cards in the hands of purchasers!!!! This program is completely RISK FREE, simply return any unsold and undamaged cards back to the Council Service Center. Monies generated to Suwannee River Area Council from the Camp Card sales will help support multiple camp maintenance projects at the Wallwood Scout Reservation.
Our Community Partners 4 New Uniform:$80=32 cards Day Camp:$100=40 cards Resident Camp$100=40 cards Winter Camp$120=48 cards NYLT:$200=80 cards Summer Camp:$210=84 cards The values of selling Camp Cards
He earns his own way to camp… Camp Master- one who ensures their Scouts get to camp! Ultimate Goal is to get 100% of their Scouts to summer camp, day camp, resident camp, etc. The Camp Master is an EXPERT on all camp opportunities that the Suwannee River Area Council has to offer! The Camp Master EXPLAINS to all parents the importance of the outing in Scouting! The Camp Master COMMUNICATES the purpose of the Camp Card Sale and the time line to Scouts and parents! 5
The 2012 Camp Card Important Dates March 1Council-wide Kickoff!! (Faith Presbyterian Church!!) March 1SALE BEGINS April 13Redistribution Day; 50/50 Day. May 4SALE ENDS! May 11Commission reduced to 40%. May 18Commission reduced to 30%. May 25Commission reduced to 20%. June 1No Commission.
Commission The 2012 Camp Card commission is 50% of each card sold IF your unit is paid in full by May 4, 2012! – May 11Commission reduced to 40%. – May 18Commission reduced to 30%. – May 25Commission reduced to 20%. – Jun2 1No Commission. Return Policy Camp Cards can be returned undamaged to the Council Service Center without penalty no later than June 1, PLEASE be sure all Scouts and parents treat each card as if it were a $5.00 bill!!
Camp Card Incentives and Prizes The highest selling Scout in the Council will win an IPOD Touch or Kindle Fire!1 (We will let the Scout decide) The top 3 selling Scouts/Venturers (selling 100 or more cards) from each unit will be entered into a drawing at the end of the sale (1 winner for each): Cub Scouts: One free weekend of Cub Scout Family Camp. One free week of Cub Day Camp at Camp Wallwood Free Scholarship to attend Resident Camp. Boy Scouts: Free Scholarship to attend Boy Scout Summer Camp. Free Scholarship to attend Boy Scout Winter Camp. Free Scholarship to NYLT at Camp Wallwood.
Cub Scout Opportunities Cub Scout Family Camp A three-day adventure for the entire family. Spend the weekend learning Scout skills, playing games, shooting bb guns and more! Activities are available for everyone ages 4 and up! Cost: $45 Cub Scout Local Day Camp Local Day Camps offered in each district for families who can’t travel to Wallwood. The camp is a week long day- time program for all Cubs! Cost: $95 Cub Scout Day Camp at Wallwood Spend a week at this exotic location! Activities include swimming, bb guns and so much more!! Cost: $120 Cub Scout and Webelos Wood Resident Camp An exciting event!! Camp programs are designed to fit the age of the campers! Earn activity pins, belt loops and badges as well as enjoy kayaking, swimming, archery and bbs! Cost: $100
Boy Scout/Venturing Opportunities Summer Camp Select one week starting June for this three week long adventure! Scouts earn Merit Badges, fulfill rank advancements, a Muzzle Loading Black Powder Program and many more Merit Badge options. Cost: $210 Boy Scout Winter Camp Fun for those Scouts who need a little more camp! Finish up Merit Badges, earn some that might not have been offered over the summer and get those last nights of camping before ringing in the New Year! Cost: $120 N.Y.L.T. (National Youth Leadership Training) The top leadership training available for youth! A week long course that centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what he must KNOW, and what he must DO. The skills come alive during the week at the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership! Cost: $200 Venturing Super Weekend A fun filled weekend of canoeing, kayaking, zip line, climbing wall, pool party and much more! For all Venturing boys and girls!! Cost: $30
Your Unit Kickoff Get Scouts excited about camping! Get parents informed about why their son should have a great camp experience. Make sure the Kick-off is properly promoted through s, groups and phone calls. Be prepared to talk about camp opportunities. Have snacks, drinks, and music. Make sure EVERY Scout gets a packet of cards to sale. Keep it short and simple. Sample Kick-off Agenda Grand Opening with music, cheers, and excitement. Check out a packet of cards to each Scout and EXPLAIN camp opportunities. Review sales goal, Camp Goal and explain key dates. Prizes: Review “camp credits” and incentives.
How to sell Camp Cards Door to Door Show and Sell Sell at Work Safety and Courtesy Sell with another Scout or with an adult. Never sell after dark, unless with an adult. Always walk on the sidewalk and driveway. Say “thank you” whether or not the prospect buys a Camp Card.
We are selling CAMP not just discount cards!! Ensure your families understand that they are selling character, a better community and they are selling the benefits of Scouting camp not just selling discount cards. Emphasize that each card sold helps a Scout go to camp. The reason our sale will be successful is that people WANT to support Scouting!
Thank you for supporting our 2012 CAMP CARD FUN-RAISER!! Thank you for the important role you are serving to help make each and every young person’s Scouting experience fun and memorable! You are making a difference!