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Washington Irving About the writer Whenever a man's friends begin t o compliment him about looking y oung, he may be sure that they thi nk he is growing old.
Washington Irving April 3,1783~Nov. 28, 1895 He grow up in big family in Man hattan, New York. He has 7 brot hers and sisters and he is the s mallest one. His birth just after American Re volution. When he was 14,outbreak of ye llow fever makes parents sent h im to Tarvy town, New York. Thi s place impact him a lot, such a s Catskill mountain was the setti ng for “Rip Van Winkle.
Washington Irving—Works 1802, Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, Jonathan Oldstyle. 1809, A History of New York, Diedrich Knicke rbocker. 1819, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., Geoffrey Crayon. 1824, Tales of a Traveller, Geoffrey Crayon. 1828, The Life and Voyages of Christopher C olumbus, Washington Irving.
Geographical Background ◆ The setting of the tale, in the Catskills by the Hudson, gives the story a fairly precise location that grounds it in America. ◆ The tale itself opens with a description of the Kaatskill (now called Catskill) Mountains, beautiful and mysterious, at the foot of which is the village where the central character lives.
Historical Background The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the Revolutionary War in the United States, began as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America, but gradually grew into a world war between Britain on one side and the United States, France, Netherlands and Spain on the other. The main result was an American victory, with mixed results for the other powers.
Word Meaning He was, moreover, a kind neighbor, and an obedient henpecked husband. Henpecked usually said of a man: constantly harassed, criticized and dominated by a woman, especially a wife, girlfriend, etc
“Oh, to be sure! That’s Rip Van Winkle yonder, leaning against the tree.” Word Meaning Rip Van Winkle : Disinclined to work or do anything requiring effort like idle Rip who was same behavior.
3 Setting Rip’s village (having been founde d by some of the Dut ch colonists) Highest parts of the Kaatskil l mountains. A small amphitheatre Setting
Summary There was a man who lives near the Hudson river which was called the Catskill Mountains. His name is 'Rip Van Winkle'. He never refused to help his neighbors. However, he didn't do his housework because he did everyone's. So his wife was so angry. Day and night, She nagged him. On one autumn day, Rip and his dog went up the Castskill Mount to hunting. Rip heard someone said "Rip Van Winkle" like echo when he descended. But it was no one there. Then he saw a small man was carrying a heavy keg, So he hurried to help him. Few a minutes later, he thought he heard thunder. After a while, they reached to field. There were many little man who were bowling. Then, someone gave a glass of tasty drink to Rip. He fell into a deep sleep. Rip woke up. His beard had grown a foot. He came to village but new buildings stood high and his house had gone. He realized that he had slept through the American Revolution. Finally, he found his daughter. She said her mother died of loneliness after dad left. No one believed Rip's story. But Peter who knew a lot about that area said that the goast of Hendrick hudson visited the area every twenty years. The sound of thunder was goast crew's bowling game. Rip lived happily with daughter and without nagging wife. This day, whenever people hear thunder from the mountains, they say the goast of Hendrick Hudson and his crew are bowling.
Themes 1. New generations come along that bring change, but old values and traditions-as well as family lines-remain alive and thriving. 2. Rip Van Winkle' deals with issues of politics, as he shows how the Am erican - Revolution changed one small village. Nagging wife Rip Van Winkle