Tone Definition: The writer’s attitude about the subject of the writing. Just like a person’s tone of voice can give away his or her feelings about what he or she is saying, the tone of an author’s writing can give away his or her feelings about the subject of the writing. Sample Tones: Sarcastic, Intellectual, Secretive, Happy… etc.
Foil Definition: A character that is presented as the opposite of another character in order to emphasize the traits of both characters. For example in the Harry Potter series, Hermione and Ron are Harry's friends, but they also help readers better understand the protagonist, Harry. Ron and Hermione represent personalities that in many ways are opposites - Ron is a bit lazy and insecure; Hermione is driven and confident. Harry exists in the middle, thus illustrating his inner conflict and immaturity at the beginning of the book series.
Idiom Definition: a.k.a. Figure of Speech, is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning that has no connection to its literal meaning. Examples: Bite the bullet, throw me under the bus, kicked the bucket, rule of thumb. Write three idioms you have heard or used.
Oxymoron Definition: figures of speech that combine contradictory ideas. For example: jumbo shrimp, wise fool, sounds of silence, old news. Create two of your own oxymorons.
Flashback Definition: When a character thinks back to events that happened in the past. For Example: When their eyes met, he realized he had looked into those very eyes twelve years before on a cool summer’s evening in a Nebraska cornfield. Write your own example of a flashback.
Flashforward Definition: When the narrator or a character tells the reader that something will happen in the future. For Example: He didn’t yet know it, but when they shook hands he was touching his wife for the first time. Write your own example of a Flashforward.
Diction Definition: The words the author chooses based on the way she wants to present the information. Diction can be described as elevated, formal, common, technical, informal etc. For Example: If someone was writing to a group of children, he or she would use common diction (words), whereas if a person were to write to a group of intellectuals, he or she would use elevated diction (words).
Anecdote Definition: A brief story that focuses on one revealing moment in a person’s life. The event is meant to teach a particular lesson. For Example: Little Timmy loved playing with keys, until one day he tried to unlock an electrical socket and was shocked to find it hurt quite badly.
Epithet Definition: A brief phrase that points out particular characteristics about a person. They are appositives. For Example: Mr. Mason, teacher extraordinaire, began the class. Chris, the brick wall, provided great blocking last night. Create an epithet for each of the following people: Your best friend, your favorite teacher, and yourself.
Soliloquy Definition: A speech in a movie or play when a character reveals what they are thinking about something. The character is usually on stage alone.