REMCAP Workshop – Maritime Autonomous Systems Jonathan Williams, CEO at Marine South East Ltd 23 Sept 2015
REMCAP Consortium & Goals Parts of the Blue Economy are growing strongly –Resource efficiency and competitiveness are vital to ensure Europe grasps these opportunities REMCAP aims to expand innovation capacity for Blue Growth –Marine firms and their value chains. REMCAP explores how Regional Research Driven Clusters (RRDCs) can drive innovation capacity –Building on parallel cluster activities, and national/regional programmes
Blue Growth Markets Mineral resources Leisure Living resources Energy resources Transport & logistics Market categoriesValue-chain marketsMarket segments MatureGrowth-phasePre-development Aggregates Fishing Aquaculture Offshore Wind Biofuels Blue biotech Seabed mining Maritime ICT (‘Smart Ocean’) Vessel construction, propulsion & fuels Marine equipment & instrumentation Marine & maritime services Defence & security Marine autonomous systems Oil & gas Wave & tidal Surveillan ce Naval Eco- systems Cruise Leisure craft, marinas Ports & logistics Shipping & shipbuilding Coastal protection
REMCAP Innovation Priorities Methodology: –Define key ‘blue growth’ markets for resource efficiency –Identify ‘meta technology platforms’ which underpin innovation in these markets –Select technology platforms supporting innovation in multiple markets –Identify recent research projects relevant to these technology areas Seabed anchoring –Marine renewable energy –Aquaculture Novel fuels –Air quality –Bio-fuels Aquaculture –Food –Biotech Autonomous systems –Asset management –Monitoring & surveillance –Seabed mining
Anchoring Markets
Low-cost Anchoring Foundations are major cost burden for wave and tidal –Impact piles are costly & noisy, and depend on specialist vessels –Gravity anchors are costly & limited in load capacity SAMED screw pile technology –Collaboration of MSE and Sustainable Marine Energy Ltd –Supported by UK Gov Prototype rig fabricated & trialled –Four pilot anchors installed off Yarmouth Also major opportunity in mooring of aquaculture facilities
Value Chain for Anchor Solutions Durable, compliant mooring lines Lightweight installation rigs Grout-free rock anchors Geotechnical pile design tools Sub-bottom characterisation tools Increasing use of autonomous vehicles & systems
Autonomy in Blue Economy Scour monitoring Seabed surveying Etc Optimal availability Aquaculture Asset Management Operations Management Condition Monitoring Seabed mining Information services Un-manned operation Autonomous system technology base Ecosystem management
Identification & tracking Autonomous Systems – Value Chain Components (eg sensors) Equipment & platforms Integrated systems Added-value services Spill response Asset management Seabed survey & mining Value Chain serving multiple end-user markets Fisheries management
Concluding Remarks The Blue Economy is growing, particularly in sectors relating to resource efficiency addressed by the REMCAP project Key ‘meta technology platforms’ have been identified, that enable innovation in multiple Blue Growth markets These innovation priorities present opportunity along the complete value chain –Marine, space, materials, ICT etc Autonomous systems appear in many of these value chains –Offshore asset management, monitoring etc This work offers a blueprint for future collaborative projects –H2020, Atlantic Area Programme, NW Europe etc
Marine South East: a cluster organisation supporting investment in the Blue Economy of the UK Solent region 2 Venture Road Southampton Science Park Southampton SO16 7NP UK Tel: +44 (0)