Mr. Schaefer Grade 4 Language Arts April 27, 2009
We’re going to learn a few helpful hints for navigating Flow Charts When we’re finished, you should be able to look at any Flow Chart and know exactly how to read it This presentation has large text to facilitate learning
A flow chart is a graphical representation of how to perform a stepwise procedure That means: A flow chart is a picture that displays the process for doing something Flow Charts
Taking a series of steps and turning them into pictures helps us better understand the way we are supposed to perform them
First, start at the bubble, square, or shape that says START Then, follow the arrow to the next shape until you reach a question When you answer the question, follow the arrow that leads to your answer, which will lead to another question
Continue in the same fashion You will stop when you reach a shape that has no arrows pointing away from it; this is the task you must perform Here is an example:
Flow charts help us understand a set of steps much easier by using pictures Hopefully, now, a web of shapes will not seem so scary
Flow Charts – Webcomic -