Welcome to Tiger and Elephant Class
Staff Mr Dalton: Mr Dalton is the Principal of the school Mr Jon:Mr Jon is the Head of Primary and overseas all classes from Nursery to Year 6 Mr David:Mr Adam is the Head of Early Years (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) Miss Tracy:Miss Tracy is the current Nursery Teacher and Pre- School (Nursery and Reception) Co-ordinatorIn September Miss Tracy will be the Tiger Class (Reception) Teacher. Miss Tracy has been teaching at ISP since September 2012, coming from an ‘outstanding’ Nursery School in the UK where she was the Nursery Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher. Miss Paula:Miss Paula is the Elephant Class Teacher Miss Paula has been teaching at ISP since September 2011, this will be her third year teaching the Elephant Class. Before KL, Paula has taught in both Bangkok, Thailand and Shanghai, China. Miss Siti:Tiger Class Teaching Assistant Miss Jackie: Elephant Class Teaching Assistant
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Your child’s early years experiences should be HAPPY, ACTIVE, EXCITING, FUN and SECURE and should support their development, care and learning needs. At ISP the curriculum in both Nursery and Reception is based upon the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum from the UK. We also draw upon curriculums, research and evidence on how children learn from countries from all around the world, such as Australia, New Zealand and Scandanavia. There will be a more detailed information session regarding the EYFS and reporting on your child’s progress in September.
What does learning look like in the Tiger and Elephant Class? During their time in Tiger and Elephant Class we want your children to develop their: Independence Confidence Friendships Ability to speak, listen and pay attention to others Creativity Motor skills (both large and small) We do this (both indoors and outdoors) through: Playing and exploring (we will get dirty!) Being active Creative and critical thinking
Some Useful Information Start and Finish Times The Register for each class will be taken at 9am each morning. However, the children can arrive between 8am and 9am. Please bring your child into the Tiger or Elephant Class and let either Miss Tracy, Miss Paula, Miss Siti or Miss Jackie know you are here. The school day finishes at 2pm. Please pick your child up from the Tiger or Elephant Class. Bus and Siblings Club (BASC) There is an optional club available from 2pm until 3pm for the children who would normally get the bus home at 3pm or for children who have a sibling that finishes at 3pm. The club will be co- ordinated by Miss Tracy and the children take part in quiet, relaxing activities.
Allergies and Illnesses Allergies: Please inform us if your child has any allergies or medical conditions that we need to be aware of. Medicine: Any medicine your child is required to take during the day needs to be given to the School Nurse, Nurse Devi. She is the only person who is able to administer medicine to the children. Illnesses: If your child becomes ill at school, Nurse Devi will ring you to inform you and may ask you to come and collect your child. Please keep your child at home if they are feeling sick. If they have an illness that is contagious then they need a note from the doctor to say that they are well enough to return to school.
What to Bring Each day your child needs to bring: Water Bottle Hat (can be kept at school) Spare Clothing – PE Uniform (this can be put into a plastic bag and kept in your child’s locker). Mosquito Repellant (can be kept at school) Sun Cream (can be kept at school) Waterproof Shoes e.g. wellies or crocs (can be kept at school) PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING
Snacks and Lunches The children will eat their lunch at each day. We would like lunchtimes to be part of the children’s learning experience and therefore both the class teacher and the teaching assistant will sit with their class each day. This will give us the opportunity to talk with the children, encourage them to eat their lunch and try new foods and to reinforce table manners just as you would do at home. Canteen Snacks and Lunches If your child is having snack or lunch provided by Petite Café, you will need to organise and pay for this at the Coffee Shop. The food will be delivered here in time for both snack and lunch. If you would like to see a sample menu then please check our blog – (school notices/others/canteen) Home Snacks and Lunches These will be kept in the classroom and taken out at eating times. There are no refrigeration or heating facilities. ISP IS A NUT SAFE SCHOOL – STRICTLY NO PEANUTS OR TREE NUTS ALLOWED
Specialist Sessions PEThree sessions per week Please come dressed in PE uniform We will swim for one of these sessions from Term 2 onwards MandarinTwo sessions per week BahasaTwo sessions per week MusicOne session per week Library One session per week
Working Together It is very important that we work together to support your child in the next stage of their learning journey. There are many ways in which we can communicate about your child and their progress: You are always welcome into the Tiger or Elephant Class and there are daily opportunities to chat informally at drop off and pick up times. Appointments can be made to talk on a more individual basis. Please check your child’s class blog regularly. Any important information, photos, events and celebrations will be shared on this. (Homework and Notices) – a parent account will be created for you and communication will take place through this address. Please contact Miss Tracy at or Miss Paula at
Uniform Girls: School dress, white socks, black shoes, navy blue jumper/cardigan (if necessary) Boys: School shirt and shorts, white socks, black shoes, navy blue jumper/cardigan (if necessary) Uniform can be purchased from the uniform shop at the main Reception area. PE kit should be worn on PE days and the whole school wears PE kit on Fridays.
Dropping Off and Picking Up There is a drop off and pick up point next to the pre-school area. You can use this for short periods of time. Otherwise please park in the car park. Safety Please remember to shut and lock the gates. Please inform Miss Tracy or Miss Paula if anyone else will be dropping off or picking up your child.
September 2014 Parents Coffee Morning: The Foundation Stage ISP – Learning Through Play Learning Journeys October 2014 Stay and Play Session for Parents Get Reading Right and Bug Club – The Teaching of Phonics in Reception Dates for Your Diary
Looking forward…….. We look forward to having an extremely happy, fun and exciting year with all of our new Tigers and Elephants!