Interventions and strategies to reduce cost of cultivation in farming through better input management Group IV
Background Aim to double income of farmers. Need to reduce cost of cultivation. To increase net income from each unit of farm. Secure farmers against unpredictable nature of agriculture.
Interventions to reduce cost of cultivation Reduce expenditure on Farm Inputs. (a) Seed i- use of certified seed of improved verities once in three years. ii – Production of seed through FPOs/ FPCs/Farmer’s groups/NGOs - MH/AP iii- Adoption of agronomic practices to save seed. e.g. cultivation of pulses / oilseeds on raised beds using BBF planters, dibbling of rice on raised bed (SRT), SRI and mechanical transplanting.
Interventions to reduce cost of cultivation Reduce expenditure on Farm Inputs. (b) Fertilizer i- Judicious use of fertilizers based on Soil Health Card recommendations. ii – Use of neem coated urea in place of plain urea. iii- Use of Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria (PSB) to release P from soil. iv- Adoption of fertilizer application techniques to save fertilizer. e.g. Urea+DAP brickets, BBF Planter / Seed cum Fertilizer Drill. v- use of bio-fertilizers and organic manure to reduce quantity of chemical fertilizers. vi- Promoting farmers to prepare organic manure from farm waste.
Interventions to reduce cost of cultivation Reduce expenditure on Farm Inputs. (c) Pesticides i- Implement pest and disease surveillance practices effectively ii – Improvement in delivery of crop advisories related to pest /disease management iii- Use of chemical pesticides as per label claim only iv- Adoption of spraying techniques to enhance efficacy of pesticides. v- Adoption of seed treatment practices to prevent soil borne diseases vi- Use of biopesticides till the pest population is below ETL.
Interventions to reduce cost of cultivation Reduce expenditure on Farm Inputs. (d) Water (More Crop per Drop) i- Adoption of in situ soil moisture conservation methods ii – Use of micro-irrigation methods to save water iii- Adoption of agronomic practices to conserve soil moisture and water applied to fields e.g. mulching of farm waste / plastic mulching. iv- Use of Hydroponics Technique for green fodder production
Interventions to reduce cost of cultivation Better credit management i- Timely credit availability to farmers before crop season ii – Credit availability to small and marginal farmers on priority basis iii- Mobilize farmers’ groups for credit management iv- 3% interest subvention given by GOI in terms of short term loan – states may replicate it with additional assistance to SMF
Reduction in Labour Costs Use of improved tools and farm machineries for every farm operation e.g. End to End mechanization of rice using power tiller, transplanter,conoweeder, reaper and thresher Mechanization reduces 25-50% of labour cost with increase in crop yield Promotion of Custom Hiring services to reduce burden on machinery procurement Use of weedicides
Reduction in Farm Risk Adoption of intercropping systems to reduce risk to main crops due to natural factors like dry spell / moisture stress Implementation of contingency crop plans Buffer stocking of inputs Promotion of PMFBY Diversification and integrated farming system Procurement of farm inputs through FPOs/FPCs/Farmers’ groups Establishment of Agri-junctions - UP