APPL 633 Evaluation & Assessment Dr. Lucy Holman Langsdale Reference
Research tips Use the right vocabulary Keep track of what/where you search Ask for help if you need it
Where to search Psychology-specific PsycInfo PsycArticles Soc Index Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection General/related subjects Google Scholar Academic Search Complete ABI Inform ERIC Medline
Setting up Google Scholar – easy as 1,2,3,4 1. Click “settings” 2. Click “Library links” 3. Type “university of Baltimore” and select all options 4. Save settings
Google Scholar – “Find Click on “Find UB on any result – you’ll get a box with online or print options; if it’s online, the full text is a click away
How to search Use single key words (don’t use phrases) in databases Consider synonyms to try Include some/all aspects of topic Substance abuse rates among African-American teenagers Substance abuse or drug abuse or drug use or …… Teenagers or teens or adolescents African-American or black
Power of Limiters/Face ts Can select peer reviewed for scholarly articles Can limit by age group, population, etc Can limit by type of study
Power of Limiters/Face ts Use subject headings to refine search
Journal Alerts Select “Journals” tab and type in a journal title
journal online Select current journal online
Click “Share” and create an alert or RSS feed
You have to create an account in and sign in to finish the alert You have to create an account in MyEbscoHost and sign in to finish establishing the alert Once you create the alert, you’ll get an linking you to the table of contents for each new issue with links to the full text of every article
Citing sources: APA
Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J. & Lassila, O. (2001). The semantic web. Scientific American, 283 (5), Guy, M., & Tonkin, E. (2006). Folksonomies. D-Lib Magazine, 12(1). doi: /january2006-guy Morville, P. (2005). Ambient findability. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media. Van Dijck, P. (2003, November 15). Themes and metaphors in the semantic web discussion. Retrieved from
Citing sources: Zotero
Questions? Lucy Holman Langsdale Reference Desk