Multiplication and Division Practice Task Cards with Self-Checking QR Codes Created By: Kathy Prine Grade 3
CCSS Grade Level(s): 3 rd Grade Standards: MA.3.CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.B.5 – Apply properties as strategies to multiply and divide.
Teacher Directions: Students will use these task cards to answer each question using pencil and paper. After completing all task cards, students will use an iPod Touch or iPad with a QR reader app to check their answers. The QR code will display the correct answer.
Nicole solved the following equation: 36 ÷ __ = 4 Which equation can she use to check her answer? 1.
Which expression has the same value as 3 x (2 x 4)? 2.
What number will make this equation true? 48 ÷ __ = 6 3.
What is the number that will Make this equation true? 6 x __ = 42 4.
Determine the unknown number that makes the following equation true. 9 = __ ÷ 35.
Ms. Lorrie bought boxes of crayons for 6 students. Each box has 8 crayons. How many total crayons did she buy for the 6 students? Use the equation to find the answer. 6.
What number would make the equation 9 x __ = 63 true? 7.
What number would make the equation 30 ÷ __ = 5 true? 8.
What is the product of 60 x 5?9.
Use the chart to help round 32 to the nearest