Game Design Lecture 3 CSE4AT3
Designing Your Level Game Concept is now decided
Typical Gameplay Modes 1 st Person 3 rd Person RTS style overview Racing Game –Racing –Tuning –Shopping –Customizing The mode is related to the Interface with which the player is using
Completing the Assignment Design
Game Concept MarioKart
Game Player Role Driver / Co-Driver –Anti Driver –Violence Distributor
Primary Gameplay Mode 2x –Driver 3 rd Person –Co-Driver 1 st Person or 3 rd + aiming
Game Genre Shoot em up Racing Game
Game World Somewhere between Ut2k4 and Marioworld
Audience FPS gamers who are MarioKart fans FPS Gamers who like driving
Additional Gameplay Modes Future –Battlemode –Pimp yo ride –Downhill –Opposite Racing
Hardware PC
Your Level Concept Each Level will have its own concept The level you develop should be based on a short concept description
Level Beginning Start at the start line, behind your vehicles
Level Ending All players finish or Everyone but the last person finishes the race
Primary Goal Win the race Secondary Goals –Slow everyone down –Drive fast –Do stunts
Challenges List or Heirachy
Challenge Mechanics Lava = die Avoid by steering or brakes
Failure Plans