Finishing and landing Multiclass Nationals and Pre-Worlds Benalla 4 th – 15 th Jan, 2016.
General principles These are Guidelines, not Rules. You are responsible for making a safe landing, and if you have to divert from recommended procedures you will not be criticised or penalised as long as your landing is safe. We encourage direct (straight in) landings and we will aim to set tasks so that the final glide is into the predicted wind. We encourage long landings on the preferred runway, and if possible we will move your cars to make that easier. We encourage taxying off the active runway IF you land adjacent to the gable markers – but otherwise, do not diverge from your landing direction. If you need to do a circuit, stay on the direct landing side and turn when ready to join crosswind. No low level high speed finishes please – either straight in landings or normal speed circuits.
Approach and landing Switch to CTAF Frequency and make an inbound call at 20km giving height and distance to run. Finish radio will not acknowledge every call but will regularly give wind speed and direction and preferred runway. Make 2 nd call at 10km and if possible announce landing intention. After crossing the finish line at 3km to run, STOP RACING and announce your definite landing intentions. Lookout and listen, transmit only when needed to fit in with or advise other traffic. If you need to do a circuit, you may overfly the direct landing runway to join a circuit as long as you have sufficient height and energy. Don’t do a circuit and then land on the direct landing runway. If you need to do something unusual, let everyone know.
Power traffic A NOTAM has been issued which advises that the entire airfield will be in use by gliders during the competition period. Power traffic at Benalla is infrequent and there are no scheduled services. Where necessary the organisers will liaise with power traffic. An Air Ambulance service occasionally operates and if there is any conflict during the finish it will have to take priority for obvious reasons. In this case the Finish radio will liaise with the aircraft and will advise incoming gliders. The most likely effect will be that 26L/08R bitumen and its direct approach will be closed to gliders for that period however direct landings will still be available on the grass strips and circuits that do not conflict will be available on the cross strips.
Land straight in and long on 26R if possible. Taxi off if adjacent to gable markers, NOT otherwise. If circuit is required, approach to the right of (or overhead) 26R and make a LH circuit to 26L or 35. Landings on 35 are OK if wind is suitable but do not roll across the runway intersections. Do not land on 17, it is too short to avoid conflict with the runway intersection. Do not do a circuit and land on 26R. Preferred runway 26
Land straight in and long on 08L if possible. Taxi off if adjacent to gable markers, NOT otherwise. If circuit is required approach to the left of (or overhead) 08L and make a RH circuit to 08R. Landings on 35 are OK if wind is suitable but do not roll across the runway intersections. Do not land on 17. Do not do a circuit and land on 08L. Preferred runway 08
Land straight in and long on 17L if possible, noting that this runway is 718m and slightly downhill. Taxi off if adjacent to gable markers, NOT otherwise. If circuit is required approach to the left of (or overhead) 17L and make a RH circuit to 17R. Landings on 26 are OK if wind is suitable but stop well short of the runway intersections. 17 will only be preferred if winds are >10-15kts from the south. Do not land on 08 or 35. Do not do a circuit and land on 17L. Preferred runway 17
Land straight in and long on 35R if possible. Taxi off if adjacent to gable markers, NOT otherwise. If circuit is required approach to the right of (or overhead) 35R and make a LH circuit to 35L. Landings on 26 are OK if wind is suitable but stop well short of the runway intersections. 35 will only be preferred if winds are >10-15kts from the north. Do not land on 08 or 17. Do not do a circuit and land on 35R. Preferred runway 35