Larry S. Monroe, Ph.D. Senior Research Consultant Southern Company Birmingham, Alabama October 22, 2010 Coal-Fired Power Plants Environmental Control Technology and Cost Issues
Outline Upcoming regulations 1.HAPs MACT 2.GHG BACT/NSPS 3.Coal solid by-products 4.Water intake and effluent G/L’s HAPs control technologies Questions, questions, questions
EGU HAPs MACT Requires control of hazardous air pollutants (list of 187 chemicals/chemical classes) for all plants –Existing plants must exceed performance of best 12% of sources –New plants must exceed best performance Data from EPA Information Collection Request: –Organics (CO, THC, etc.) –Mercury –Metals (PM and other metallic HAP) –Dioxins/Furans –Acid Gases (HCl, HF, HCN) Adjustments based on variability EPA can subcategorize EGUs based on size, type, or class
Problem with MACT Standard Setting – “Franken-Plant” Plant A: PM Plant B: Hg Plant C: HCl Plant D: CO Plant E: Dioxin/ furans MACT Standard
HAPs Control Technology Questions Are there technologies (or combinations) to get to required emissions levels? For all coals? Can any plant satisfy a set of Franken-plant standards? Can MACT levels of acid gases (HCl & HF) be met without a scrubber? What about organics? dioxins and furans?
Questions, questions, questions Control each coal plant for HAPs and then solid by-products and then water and then GHGs? Retire coal and replace with? –Nuclear (timing and financial) –Natural gas (infrastructure & price) –New coal (permitting with GHGs) –Renewables (reliability and cost) Timing of HAPs MACT compliance is particularly difficult –Final rule 11/16/2011 –Compliance 01/01/2015