MA 2.6: The cell cycle and mitosis in asexual reproduction.


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Presentation transcript:

MA 2.6: The cell cycle and mitosis in asexual reproduction.

*two page notebook format* Thursday, Dec 11, 2014 Page 52 Do Now: You can make more of some plants by cutting off a part. Why can this form of reproduction be called “asexual”? Which plants can do this? Topic: Cell Growth and Division Objectives, language objectives: Compare and contrast binary fission and mitosis. Describe how some eukaryotes reproduce through mitosis. Language Objectives: Use the terms asexual reproduction, binary fission, and mitosis orally and in writing. Use parent cell and daughter cell in discussion.

You can make more of some plants by cutting off a part You can make more of some plants by cutting off a part. Why can this form of reproduction be called “asexual”? Which plants can do this?

The creation of offspring from a single parent The creation of offspring from a single parent. The offspring are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. Asexual reproduction

Binary fission is similar to mitosis Most prokaryotes reproduce through binary fission. Two daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell. No nucleus – how do they organize the chromosome? They attach it to the cell membrane. All eukaryotic cells are renewed and replaced by mitosis. Growth and repair require mitosis. Two daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell. The phases P, M, A, T condense, organize, and divide the chromosomes.

Advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction. Locate advantages on page 141 of the text. Work in pairs/groups. Example: Asexual reproduction is very efficient. Every individual can reproduce. Locate disadvantages on page 141 of the text. Work in pairs/groups. Example: Sexual reproduction increases diversity, so the population can respond to challenges.

Some eukaryotes reproduce through mitosis This reproduction can take several forms, including budding (yeast and hydra) fragmentation (starfish) vegetative propagation (plants)

5.4 Formative Assessment Answer questions 1-5 on page 142. SUMMARIZE what you learned today in 3-5 sentences Homework: Study Guide 5.4 – all questions If not done, complete MCAS practice questions (page 1) Review Greek and Latin word roots Make up take home quiz if not taken in class