Drill (Step 1) – Read the article on Chagall (found in Scholastic ART magazine) Answer these questions in your sketchbook as your read. You do not have to write down the questions. Some of these questions may not apply. When was the artist born? What is the artist’s background; where were they from, where were they active as an artist, what type of schooling, etc.? What type of artwork was the artist known for? What was the style of work called? Who or what was the artist influenced by? Where there any adversities that the artist had to overcome? Is there anything in particular the artist is famous for? Anything else that you think is worth noting about the artist?
Marc Chagall (July 7, 1887 – March 28, 1985) A Russian–French artist, who forged a unique career in virtually every artistic medium, including paintings, book illustrations, stained glass, stage sets, ceramics, tapestries and fine art prints.
I and the Village, 1911
Past Student Examples… (will yours be next?)
Step 2 – Practice drawing your face from the side or profile view.
Step 3 – Develop ideas for your drawing in your sketchbook. Your drawing should include: – Your face from a profile view – An animal’s face. You’ll need an image as a reference. You can get this from one of my drawing books or bring in an image from home. – You should include at least 5 images in your drawing that are of personal interest. Elements of your drawing should go off and beyond the edges of the paper – Draw LARGE! Some lines should cross over the planes of the foreground, middle ground and background. When painting, this can be enhanced by adding white or black to a color.
Step 4 – Complete your final drawing on 18 x 24 sheet of white drawing paper.
Test!!! Write your name (as your normally would) in pencil on the back of your drawing paper. Go over your name with an oil pastel. What did you discover? Oil pastels are thicker than pencils, therefore you should draw larger than you normally would.
Step 5 – Color your drawing using oil pastels. Rules for using oil pastels (in most cases): – Put scrap paper on the tables to keep the pastels from making marks on the table. (paper is found on the floor in a crate, in the front of the room). – A smock. – When mixing, apply the darkest color first and lightly. – Go over the darker pastel with a lighter color, pressing down hard enough for the two colors to blend.
Step 6 – Outline Outline the completed (colored) drawing with a black pastel. This includes all elements of your drawing and separations of color. You’re Finished!!!