Ice Cream Social Troop 347
Welcome New Scouts!
Camping Dates March 8-9 th – PGA LockIn at Sage YMCA April 11 th – New Scout Campout April th – Spring Survival June 5-7 th – Showoff Campout
Summer Dates June 21 st – Summer Camp, Tsomas TBD – Mini High Adventure
Other Dates March 9 th – Virtual PLC, no meeting March 10 th – Cub Scout Carnival March 17 th – Committee Meeting May 23 rd – Eagle Court of Honor
Recurring Dates Meeting Times – We meet every Monday night from 7-9 PLC – The Monday after each campout, typically replaces the normal meeting. Committee Meetings – Usually the following Tuesday after the PLC – 7:30 – 9:00 at Bethany – Pizza at The Cottage afterwards
What is a PLC Patrol Leaders Conference – All boys with leadership positions should attend to help plan regular meetings for the troop – Any boy can come to work on rank advancement or merit badges if they ask ahead of time – We are testing a virtual PLC over Skype
Committee Meetings The troop committee has several important functions – Conduct the business side of the troop, manage finances – Provide people for Boards of Review – Can attend meetings and campouts We need adults to help!
Thank you Ruth Holland Ruth became part of the Troop in 2009 when Bill Holland Crossed over She has been Secretary for the committee Worked on numerous fundraisers We can’t replace her… but we do need a secretary
Communication Check the Web Site! The latest information will be on the site – Meeting Notes – Cancellations – Camping Trips – Important Dates
Communication If you are registered on the Web Site, you are part of the main troop list – Contact Mr. Stripp if there are problems Other lists Committee, Leaders, PLC Pedros, Roadrunners, Sharks, Swordfish
Scout Uniforms Class A – Scout Shirt – Neckerchief and Slide – Scout Pants – Scout Socks – Hiking Boots – Scout Related Belt Scout ALWAYS have to travel in Class A uniforms
Scout Uniforms Class B – Scouting related shirt – Appropriate wear for the activity and weather Usually worn for camping/outdoor activities Some provided by troop, others purchased by scouts as souvenirs
Scout Advancements Mr. Bradshaw is advancement chair Scouts are responsible for their own advancement – When they finish something get it signed off! – Make sure to let Mr. Bradshaw know so it can be entered into the troop software Always bring your Scout book!
Scout Accounts Every scout has a Scout Account which collects money earned in fund raisers Money in the Scout Account can be used for ANY Scout related expenses Before using your Scout Account, talk to Mrs. Hewins to make sure you have enough in your account. If you have a receipt for an item submit it to her after the fact
Camping Costs We have an estimation spreadsheet which will give better estimations If a scout can not afford an event, please talk to the leaders as we have scholarship and other options to help
Rechartering Cost Scout registration is $80 for the first scout, $65 for every other scout. – Includes a district level increase – Includes increase in costs for patches/advancements – Includes a small ($15) fee to act as a general fund for materials/activites
Participation We understand that boys have a lot of activities and time commitments For mandatory events, please try to be at them. We do not schedule many of them – If you can not make a mandatory event, please or contact the Scoutmaster If you feel that Scouts are not for you, please let us know instead of just disappearing
Shutterfly After each campout, we will upload pictures to the Troops Shutterfly site. Please send an to if you would like
Electronic Policy Electronics are discouraged from coming to Scouting activities Scouts are allowed to bring them, but Troop 347 is not responsible for any damage/loss Scouts who use their devices during a Scout Activity will have them confiscated This is a boy made policy
Behavioral Policy Uniforms are mandatory at meetings and any time we travel – If neckerchiefs are forgotten a pink one will be assigned – This is a boy made policy
Behavioral Policy Actual behavioral issues go through the following stages – Warning – Private Discussion, Removal from Activity – Parent Called to Remove Scout – Scout Master Conference – Discipline Committee – Parent Meeting – Removal from Troop
Summer Camp Camp Tesomas June 21 st – 27 th Micro Trek High Adventure – 13 years & First Class – Need to know by Friday if you’re interested! – Up to $60 extra
High Adventure 2015 We would like to offer a high adventure this summer. Looking to do unique trip, low cost Talk to Patrick Sullivan if your Scout is interested
High Adventure 2015 Boundary waters canoe trip Apostle’s Island sea kayaking Wisconsin river canoe trip Arkansas house boat trip Road Trip to Washington DC 2 day hike up pikes peak
Ice Cream