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1-8 Dividing Rational Numbers
Video Tutor Help Dividing Fractions Dividing Decimals Divide mixed numbers Khan Academy 1-8 Dividing Rational Numbers Course 2 Division and Prime Numbers The building blocks of all natural numbers are the prime numbers. The early Greeks invented the system still used today for separating natural numbers into prime and composite numbers. 1-8 Dividing Rational Numbers Course 2 Reciprocals and Division with Fractions When working with fractions, division can be converted to multiplication by the divisor's reciprocal. This chapter explains why.
Video Tutor Help Finding absolute value Comparing and ordering integers using absolute value or a number line Adding integers using rules Subtracting integers Subtracting integers to solve problems Adding integers using a number line Multiplying integers Dividing integers to solve problems Writing a fraction as a terminating decimal Writing a fraction as a repeating decimal Ordering fractions and decimals Writing terminating decimals as fractions Ordering rational numbers
Worksheets Daily Notetaking Guide Worksheets Version A Practice, Guided Problem Solving Lesson 1-8 Practice 1-8 Guided Problem Solving 1-8
Vocabulary Practice Vocabulary 1A: Graphic Organizer Vocabulary 1B: Reading Comprehension Vocabulary 1C: Reading/Writing Math Symbols Vocabulary 1D: Visual Vocabulary Practice Vocabulary 1E: Vocabulary C Vocabulary 1F: Vocabulary Review Puzzle Vocabulary (Electronic) Flash Cards
Additional Lesson Examples Step-by-Step Examples Lesson 1-8
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Property of Multiplication Two numbers whose product is 1 are multiplicative inverse, or reciprocals, of each other. For example, 4 and ¼ are multiplicative inverses because 4 * ¼ = 1.
Divide Fractions Dividing by 4 is the same as multiplying by ¼, its multiplicative inverse. This is true for any rational number. 110 ÷ 4 = 27 ½ 110 * ¼ = 27 ½ Same answer Multiplicative inverses
Teaching Tip Improper fractions are written as mixed numbers. However, in algebra, improper fractions are not changed to mixed numbers.
Teaching Tip Dividing by a whole number: When dividing by a whole number, always rename it as an improper fraction. Then multiply by its reciprocal. 2 5 ÷5= ÷
Example 4-1a Find the multiplicative inverse of. The product is 1. Answer: The multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of. Find Multiplicative Inverses
Example 4-1a Write the multiplicative inverse of Answer: Since the multiplicative inverse of Write as an improper fraction. Find a Multiplicative Inverse
Example 4-1a Find the multiplicative inverse of. Write as an improper fraction. Answer: The reciprocal of. The product is 1. Find Multiplicative Inverses
Example 4-2a Find. Write the quotient in simplest form. Multiply by the multiplicative inverse of,. Divide 5 and 10 by their GCF, 5. Answer: Simplify. Divide by a Fraction
Example 4-2a Answer: Divide 5 and 10 by their GCF, 5. Simplify. Find Write in simplest form. Multiply by the multiplicative inverse of which is 1 2 Divide Fractions
Example 4-3a Find. Write the quotient in simplest form. Write 3 as. Multiply by the multiplicative inverse of,. Answer: Multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. Divide by a Whole Number
Example 4-3a Answer: Multiply by the multiplicative inverse of 12, which is Divide 6 and 12 by their GCF, 6. Simplify. Find Write in simplest form. Write 12 as 1 2 Divide by a Whole Number
Example 4-4a Answer: Divide 2 and 8 by their GCF, 2. The fractions have different signs, so the quotient is negative. Find Write in simplest form. Multiply by the multiplicative inverse of which is. 1 4 Divide Negative Fractions
Example 4-5a Divide 4 and 8 by their GCF, 4. Simplify. Find Write in simplest form. The multiplicative inverse of is. 2 1 Divide Mixed Numbers
Example 4-4a Find. Write the quotient in simplest form. Rename the mixed numbers as improper fractions. Multiply by the multiplicative inverse of,. Divide out common factors. Answer: Simplify. Divide by a Mixed Number